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Anarchist In Oblivion

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  1. I want to make a spell that when you cast it a script runs that checks your inventory for 5 grand filled soul gems or black soul gems and if you have it, it removes the 5 soul gems and merges 2 weapon or armor enchantments together. I guess it would have to be a spell that opens menus because there would have to be a lot of dynamics to it. Maybe a good structure would be: *Cast* [Menu 1] Choice 1: "Weapon" Choice 2: "Armor". [Menu 2] *For Weapon* Choice1: Sword/Bow Choice 2: Arrows*For Armor* Choices for each armor slot. Then run a check for the reference ID of equipped weapon or armor in that slot. Then a container opens, place weapon or armor to merge enchantment from. *Close Container* The base weapon with no enchantment is added to your inventory and the enchantment is added to the desired weapon or armor. I know how it would work, basically, I just need some help with scripting. It seems like it would be pretty basic but I'm not too familiar on scripting language. If anyone could help me, I'd be very grateful. Thanks in advance!
  2. So I've been having this problem with Oblivion. It may actually be because of a scratched disc but I don't know if that would cause a problem like this. I would think it just wouldn't launch. But anyway, It's lightly modded, basically just a shell of the 100+ that I used to use, maybe 20, 30 tops. When I launch it (from OBSE) it sometimes (maybe 10 or 15% of the time), seemingly randomly, launches to a black screen. You can hear the first Bethesda screen. it responds to escape and goes to the menu screen (still just sound, no picture) even moving the mouse around you can hear it highlighting the different options on the main menu screen. But the game won't show any picture and I can't even ctrl+alt+delete or alt+tab out of Oblivion. I actually think It might be able to quit out that way (because doing that enough times, the music stops) but there's still no picture and I actually end up having to force shut down my poor $1,600 brand new, top shelf computer. By the way, my specs are retarded high! Enough to run Crysis and it's cousin at 100% so more than enough for Oblivion and everything with it is working fine. It's only Oblivion that does this. If anyone can help that would be awesome. Thanks in advance.
  3. I was thinking back to when Shivering Isles first came out and there was a bug that broke the game after something like 100-150 hours. I'm pretty sure that Bethesda would've fixed this by now with a patch but I just want to make sure before I install it again. Does anyone know the status on that?
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