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Everything posted by computerguy12

  1. I assemble the motorcycle outside of Megatron. I'm able to interact with it but there is no ride option. I have no weapon in my hands and my fists aren't up. Is it just out of date with the larger mod updates (FWE, MMM, UUF update, etc.)? Is anyone aware of a work around or patch?
  2. M48A5, Do you think the Type 3 body mods work better with FO3 in general than the type 6 since FO3 is an older game? They seem to be the first body mods and most prevalent, while the type 6 were more recently added. I like the type 6 models better, however if it's just a matter of time before I have to convert the looks to type 3 and start my game over I'd rather do it now and save time.
  3. M48A5, I can not find a body replacer that works with the T6M Izumiko body type. Do you have any recommendations?
  4. M48A5, When I get a woman to a bed, my body goes invisible. it will become re-visible if I go from 3rd view to 1st view and back to 3rd and/or if I change/take off my cloths. At some point the girls body will sink into the bed. The camera angle is stuck, so I can't move it around so it is in a locked or limited position. If I do anything to end sex before the half-second black screen I'm stuck in a push-up position in 3rd person view until I load an earlier save (I can move around in 1st person but go back to push-up position when back in third, even after going through doors or a loading screen). If I have sex in an open setting (not a room), with Nova in the bar area for instance. The camera is very limited on range/position and the motion is very glitchy. Please let me know your thoughts on the situation. Thank you, computerguy12
  5. Can anyone please make a patch that adjusts the Animated Prostitute mod work with T6M bodies?
  6. The megaton house overhaul mod is great and I love all the stuff it comes with and additional mods I can use on it like the bunker where my companions can go when I dismiss them. However the house overhaul doesn't work with Maid kelly mod, which is a great mod but she won't go in the house and if you change the house after she is in, she won't move from the inside doormat. The Animated Prostitute mod is another fun mod, however when you bring them back to the overhauled house, they get lost in the house and stuck in areas instead of going to the bed. Can anyone please make a patch or two patches to help these mods work together?
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