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Posts posted by jetflightgirl

  1. I'm using Tale of Two Wastelands and grabbed the Zhu-Rong pistol. Figured it's a cool enough weapon but, as we all know, the vanilla version if it is basically a joke weapon. I fired up Geck and edited it, increasing the damage and crit damage (and made it a bit more accurate because why not).


    Problem is, once booting back up, these modifications are... Well best way I can describe it is that the mod seems to turn itself on and off. Sometimes it does the full, new, modified damage (same as Maria, 20 damage), ie actually kills things, but then randomly, without me doing anything differently, it seems to revert back to the vanilla love taps (4 damage) that take about a magazine and a half to kill one feral ghoul (more if I don't run around to let the fire debuff kill it). It occasionally also lost the accuracy, at first, but that seems to have gone away now. And it's more likely to revert (ie, not do any noteworthy damage) in VATS than just free-firing. I have checked and I have double-checked and I cannot see anything in the GECK that could cause this behavior, and at this point I'm kind of at my wits end. Going around, rolling dice on whether my gun kills an enemy or if the bullet bounces off is not fun.


    Any idea as to what the hell is going on and how to fix this?


    EDIT: After some testing, crits seem to work fine. It seems only the regular hits are subject to this random fluctuation.

  2. Something I started thinking of lately: what, exactly, would've been NCRs motivation to attack Navarro? Keep in mind that what the Chosen One (and thus us, the players) learned is a far cry from what the NCR or even the Brotherhood know; the people that DID witness the crimes on the Oil Rig went to found New Arroyo, not join the NCR, and I sincerely doubt Sgt. Granite's team would've gone to incite NCR to attack their former comrades (assuming they joined TCO in the first place).


    So was it Brotherhood's suspicions? (they were still friends then... sort of). Imperialist butthurt over someone being a potential threat to them? Chosen One telling them to? Or did they find some conclusive evidence of the Enclave's former plans that warranted sending hundreds, if not thousands, of their soldiers to certain death in order to wipe out one base? After all, they didn't just CONQUER the base, they relentlessly hunt down anyone even remotely associated with the Enclave (seriously, Arcade was a toddler when Navarro fell); this, however, could just as well be NCRs vindictive nature due to the doubtlessly heavy losses they suffered, rather than some evidence of genocidal plans.


    I am, btw, also aware that short of Word of God, we won't know the real reason. But I AM looking for an exercise in brainstorming, so I'd appreciate your thoughts on this matter. What motivated the NCR to attack Navarro?

  3. Alright, a small change of plans: thanks to a kind anon, I got the texture done (and by "I got the texture done", I mean "the kind anon did it because I asked nicely").


    Problem is, the emblem is still showing as bull on female, while it's properly a cross on male. Best guess is it's got something to do with the fact that I have type3 body replacer (even if I have no mod that'd change the Lonesome Road items into type 3 variants) that I have and that anon does not.


    Would any Nexite be kind enough to take a look at it, see if there's some error there and/or make it compatible with type3? The mod itself is right here.

  4. Ironman game - saves&reloads are only for continuing the game between sessions (or recovering from crash). If you screw up a mission, you live with the consequences. If you die, you're dead and have to start over again.


    Alternative: Hammerman game - same premise, except in case of death, you hit yourself in the head with a hammer, then reload and play on.

  5. Howdy, folks and folkettes. Might I perhaps ensnare the interest of a modder for a bit of an edit to the newly-added Courier's Duster that came with Lonesome Road?


    Basically, what I'm looking for is a swapping out of the symbol on the back. Namely, I'm interested in something that'd give a faint Knight Templar vibe: This instead of the usual emblem. Or possibly, this, if it can be made to look "naturally" red. (I suck at that, as you may have guessed). Alternative options are welcome too, so long as it's red. I'd prefer a painted-on look, but if you have a more "printed" look that would fit on the duster, it's welcome too.


    Stats-wise, it ould have the Legion duster stats (+1 strength, +15 action points). A good location would be either in Primm or even Goodsprings... or, hell, even an item code would do by which one could console-add it...


    I'd be very appreciative if someone could be bothered to make this edit!


    Thanks in advance!

  6. DM was good. Honest Hearts was better for it's themes and aesthetics, but Dead Money came in a close second. Though I guess relying solely on guns might've made it harder indeed. Throwing spears made the ghost people quite manageable though.


    As for the "Let go" mantra and the whole "greed=bad" mantra... I must admit, I did enjoy flipping it off and hauling all the gold out of there. I didn't use more than maybe 2-3 bars after that, but I hauled it off just for the sake of saying "Then let me be bad."

  7. I agree that launching the nuke for no reason was dumb. As is Ulysses practically ensuring that you're VERY close by the time he can set his plan in motion *AND* out for his plan.


    As for agreeing with him... He does state that he plans to nuke the Mojave, including New Vegas and the Dam as well.


    I guess with Ulysses, there's a very real chance that he's not "all there" anymore in the proverbial attic. If he was truly trying to create a new world, he most certainly wouldn't invite Courier Six, Lanius, Vulpes Inculta&his Frumentarii, Veteran Rangers, Mr. House's (potentially upgraded) Securitron army, The Lone Wanderer, Chosen One or any other exceptionally badass person/force to crash his party. Getting Courier Six, who has established a firm reputation as a badass, to deliver ED-E to him, almost smells of suicide-by-cop; hell, it'd be just that, if the nukes turned out to be duds and he knew about it.


    Also, somewhat related, somewhat unrelated: why is everyone falling all over OWB? It wasn't all that good; it was one big Wild Wasteland DLC without being funny, plus the whole part about your character suddenly becoming an android with absolutely no forewarning or you having any say in it. The post-DLC Sink was admittedly a nice feature, but not worth it.

  8. Thing is, the mod that added raiders did not add ASIAN raiders. And when I slap the Asian face on black or hispanic raider race, the facial features change to the point that i'd be better off trying to reconstruct the face from scratch. In fact, I did try that, but wasn't happy with the result.
  9. So, mid-game, I'd love to change my character's BODY's race (to raider; dem tattoos!). showracemenu is easy enough, but problem is, I'd love to keep the face I worked on for a ridiculously long time. Is there any way to change the two separately (preferably with colouring options to make them have the same skin tone...) without excessive GECKing required? Failing that, any way to "save" facial features and then "load" them on my newly raider'd character?


    Thanks in advance.

  10. If a claim in wiki doesn't have a source that supports it (which the "Shi are in the NCR" claim does not), then it's not canon. The Vault wiki is chock-full of the fantasies of a few people that DESPERATELY want their interpretation of things to be the only possible truth, and they will tirelessly wage edit-wars to make sure people see their fantasies. One common fantasy is that if anything from the first two games is ever mentioned in New Vegas, then it's part of the NCR - these "edit-warriors" cling to their fantasies even if it's pretty much stated that area X, Y, or Z is *NOT* in the NCR. New Arroyo, Vault City, New Reno, apparently also the Shi... in their very simple minds, it all must be NCR.


    Anyway... there are two claims here:


    1) The Shi are technologically more advanced than the BoS.


    2) The Shi are a part of the NCR.


    It is possible both are true, but unlikely. They have their own very strong tribal identity, and unlike many other tribes, the NCR doesn't have the "shiny lights" to attract the Shi. If the Shi joined NCR as an entity, they'd likely be dominating it instead, because they have the know-how, the weapons, the armor, and the identity.


    Also, the NCR obviously does not have the tech to manufacture power armors. And their existing ones seem to have broken down, apparently (think about it, they must've gotten a bunch of those out of Navarro). If they couldn't spare a dozen to protect their damn president, then I find it unlikely they have those at all.


    As for what the Shi are doing if they're not NCR... Well, they were doing fine for 160 years before FO2. Maybe they kept up the same? Or maybe the Chosen One, just before going to the oil rig, threw a plant spike at one of the Shi peasants on the dock, thus causing the Shi to abandon San Fran and disperse into the Wastes?

  11. If anything, it's strongly pro-Mormon. Joshua Graham is a very interesting character, and by the way Daniel describes the New Canaanites (=mormons), they're a tribe of badass pacifists who genuinely want to make the world a better place. Sort of like the Followers, who are also portrayed in a positive light.


    Honest Hearts is, however, horribly racist against green, cannibalistic human-plant monsters.


    But get the DC. It's good. I found it much better than Dead Money, but then again, I'm a huge fan of various tribal stuff in Fallout.

  12. A fairly straightforward request: an outfit consisting of the merc grunt outfit (preferably dyed black, but regular colours is fine, too) and the jacket Cass wears in her default outfit. Alternatively, just Cass' jacket, wearable over a regular merc grunt would do, too.


    This request would be for wearing on a female body, though anyone wanting to paint this male as well is welcome to do so, naturally. As for stats for the full thing... I'm thinking +5 guns, +5 energy weapons, 10 DT. Will keep you from being chewed to death by radroaches, but won't let you punch the moon in half, either. At least not without leaving Nevada...


    Thanks in advance, in spe someone feels like doing this one...

  13. He must have drunk a little too much of Tree Father Birch's home made hooch...


    That's actually it. He knows about Oasis and his condition was if not caused, then helped by that crazy drink. "Trees! So many trees! To the north! But be careful... the trees... are deadly, and the trees too will be consumed in the belly of the great fat worm!" is what he says.

  14. Help me out here. Who in the game drops F-bombs left and right?


    Goddamn Desmond f***ing Lockheart, that's who! (also, oh the irony of having to censor this s*** on a damn board built around M-rated games. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Desmond take a look at the quotes below. But as for the carpet F-bombing, the English language is just rather poor when it comes to swearing vocabulary. And yeah... it'd be far worse if they went around censoring raiders or something.

  15. 1) Do I get to keep my followers after completing the main quest? If so, do I have to pick them up somewhere again?


    2) If I choose to be the one to fix project purity, prior to the expansion, my character dies. What happens if I choose to do it having Broken Steel installed? I would think that would be the end of the game..but the way the wiki is worded, makes me think there is some miraculous unexplainable survival.


    3) Confirm or deny: Fawks, RL-3, and Charon will accept the mission for me AND WILL NOT DIE.


    4) If I get RL-3 while I'm neutral, do I still keep him once my karma shifts?


    1) Yes. They should appear right next to you, but if not, they've probably gone home. Look them up at wherever you hired them at.


    2) You live. Because the Brotherhood used the 10 bucks you shelled out for the DLC to buy phlebotinum and apply it on you.


    3) Confirm.


    4) Yes.

  16. Seems they like Elder Scrolls more than Fallout eh ?


    I dunno about that, since personally I found Oblivion to be plain old boring. But anyway, get Broken Steel and wander around. Go where YOU want, not where the main quest tells you to.

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