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About LittleBaron

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    Fallout Series, Elder Scrolls Series, Dragon Age Series

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  1. Has anyone else noticed that since the update yesterday/this week/whatever, if you try to use console commands to setpox x,y,z you now get a lovely new message that says 'Cannot be Moved'? I'm working on my Hearthfire home, using Hearthfire extended, and I can now not move pretty much anything, including the HE carpenter's bench. If anyone knows anything about anything, or can confirm, I would appreciate.
  2. So, it turns out that the real problem seems to have been the fact that the CK no longer wishes to play nice with my mod's .bsa files. When I remove my .bsa from the list of resources the CK should use, the AddScript function works. Makes no sense to me, but there you go. EDIT: So, it turns out that the real, real problem was that script files found in my .bsa needed to be placed in the source folder. I could then add the mod.bsa to the editor ini file and the Add Script function worked once again. I'm sure that I am the only person on the planet whom this affected, but just in case, I share. :biggrin:
  3. Is anyone else having this problem since the recent update?
  4. My 2 pence: (forgive me if any/all of this has been said already in the previous 25 pages of comments!) .1 I would pay for additional premium services for mod *authors*, if you offered them. Probably in whatever form they might take, to support the site. .2 I would pay to advertise my mod babies. I thought that was on the table at some point? I've heard nought about it since. .3 As you pointed out above, people care about labels such as 'pillar of the community', so in addition to the practical endorsement incentives, I would recommend also adding the 'displayed award' incentive of a designation under the person's avatar, just like for premium members. ~LB
  5. You can disable them after you open the console command prompt by clicking on them and simply typing 'disable'.
  6. Thanks for the reply. At least now I know the painstaking process of re-creating the whole .bsa just because I updated a couple of scripts is a necessary evil. EDIT: Wait, do you mean you unpack your bsa to some other location and then repack it from that location? Or to and from the SKYRIM/DATA folder? I'll have to try another location... that would help, actually... it's just all the other stuff in my Data folders I have to sift through... :(
  7. So far any BSA packer I have tried does not allow (or crashes when I try) the adding or replacing of files, so I always end up having to start them over from scratch, which can be quite a pain in the butt. Is there one I'm missing that will allow adding and/or replacing files?
  8. Hello & thanks for reading about my scripting problem / question... I need to grab an integer property variable from 36 different activator items that all use the same script. I have tried understanding this wiki page : Variables and Properties. I think if I was trying to grab variables from a QUEST I could fudge my way through it, but I am not and I am also apparently not bright enough to understand how to convert the example scripts for use with something other than a Quest. The wiki page seems to suggest at some point that you should be able to grab property variables from 'any' script but I don't get how to do it. I would be much obliged to anyone who could post an example script showing how to read an integer property value from some other activator/script. Many thanks in advance! LB
  9. I am trying to get an NPC to cast a spell at the player as part of a scene. The package is firing, I know, b/c the NPC does 'equip' the spell when she is supposed to, but instead of approaching the PC and casting the spell, she seems to run away or at least move away instead. Maybe she is trying to get back to her editor loc, I am not sure. In any case, here are all the forms I could think of that are involved... I am hoping someone who has used the 'use magic' scene procedure successfully can tell what I am doing wrong. Many thanks in advance. Here is the package form: http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/SpellCastProblem_Pckg.jpg Here are 3 tabs of the Actor Form and the Spell forms: http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/SpellCastProblem_Actor1.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/SpellCastProblem_Actor2.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/SpellCastProblem_Actor3.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/SpellCastProblem_Actor4.jpg Here is the Magic Effect Form attached to the spell: http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/SpellCastProblem_MEffect.jpg
  10. @ Grimoa: Ah, I see it now, thanks for the response. :)
  11. Hi all, I just noticed I could 'add change log'(s) (nice!) so I decided to cut down on my huge description by using the feature... However, the only way I can see that you can access them is as an admin. How does a user access them? I logged myself out and see nothing about changelogs anywhere. I'm talking about the SKYRIM nexus, btw. Thanks. LB
  12. Yes, that was the issue, thank you. I hadn't realized there was a ReferenceAlias Property, and I don't think I understand then why there is an Alias property and under what circumstances you would need that instead... but, no matter now. Thanks again!
  13. Can anyone tell me what I am missing here that causes this code to not compile? I am always told that 'GetReference is not a Function or does not exist'. I realize that currently the code wouldn't do anything, but it should at least compile. Thanks in advance for any help. Scriptname LB_AC_TestStaffFindScript extends ObjectReference import ReferenceAlias Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference NewC, ObjectReference OldC) ObjectReference OStaff = Staff.GetReference() EndEvent Alias Property Staff Auto
  14. The vertex colors setting in the NiTriShape and the associated BSShaderProperties both have to be set the same... Yes and 'checked' yes or No and unchecked.
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