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Everything posted by daminoth

  1. I always felt bad for having to Lie because of Piper, I would like to be able to send supply lines to Diamond city as a trader to earn caps on the side
  2. That would actually be a pretty cool way of calling in your power armor, as a side effect anything the armor hits on the way to you could take some damage as well. work out some form of implant system in the game and implants that let your PA track you and auto equip when called in could be an option.
  3. Just stopping by to say I second this thought!
  4. As title says, I'm sure most of us miss seeing our weapons holstered when not in use. If possible it would be cool to fix this through weapon modifications and clothing mods (or seperate clothing pieces) for holsters and shoulderstraps and belt pouches that make weapons show up on character and also increase draw speed. If possible tie these to the quickslots and maybe even lock quickslots until you have these crafted. I imagine for a nice fully functioning mod like this you might need more than just geck and have something alone the line of script dragon. maybe rework the 4 quickslots into a dial that adds more sections as you craft more holsters slings and pouches.
  5. Wouldn't have it any other way. have it so you can load junk into the PA inventory via the transfer option and the mod checks and converts anything from junk catagory into fuel. I imagine you would need geck to pull it off but another option would be to add the Mr. Fusion onto your laser gat. Also have Mr. Fusion generators in settlements than you can cram food and junk into and produce power. But either way its a great option for those that dont like to fast travel and run low on cores often.
  6. As title says, a late game alternative to fusion cores. make it a Mod to your chest piece that instead of using fusion cores you can use clutter for fuel.
  7. make a mod that lets you get into a power armor then call down liberty prime then use him like a power armor? https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8596710400/h7EFB3403/ damn right lol.
  8. make a mod that lets you get into a power armor then call down liberty prime then use him like a power armor?
  9. Love this idea, was actually thinking of something exactly like this earlier. My idea was to tie it to the main quest. and eventually base it completely on teleportation tech. Then like you said use the relay grenades to call in your armor, Adjust some thing based on faction for flavor and you have an immersive way to call in armor. as far as multiple armors make it so you can craft your relay grenades, and make an armor mod thats a "Relay ID" that is tied to a specific grenade and you can craft grenades for your armors. You could build on this idea by adding in different effects when your armor arrives such as: Brotherhood: Surface drop, armor is in a pod and warps in in the sky above grenade, pod has rockets that propel it to the ground and has an amplified aoe fire effect similar to the leg mod. pod the opens revealing armor. "think something along the lines of Halo ODST" Institute: suit warps in and has an aoe shockwave that pushes everything back and knocks them down. Railroad: pod similar to brotherhood only it warps in underground and has a bit drill on top and comes up then opens to reveal armor Minutemen: ??? cant think of anything for them but you guys get the idea.
  10. have you put your mod up for use gunner or is it something your still working on?
  11. how about a way to release people already there and a way to subdue and torture any npc in the world! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
  12. yeah that ones been around a bit. pretty sweet too
  13. yeah thats been around for a while, works pretty great too
  14. i wanna see a werecat like rei from breath of fire 3 http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS427US445&q=braeth+of+fire+3+rei&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1276&bih=554&wrapid=tlif132909656241710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=fmc4T-LfG-rq0gGt4e2GDg
  15. DnD themed weapon...hollow mace that hold vials of holy water that shatter and realease on impact damaging undead any takers?
  16. so i saw a mod called wieldable lantern, and well the first thing that popped into my head was the lantern in twilight princess. basically a oil lantern that hangs from a chain that you can swing and smack someone in the face with to catch them on fire! any takers?
  17. well skyrim is a great game but after the first play through why not change things up. developers made the game to be modded for a reason. whats more supprising is all the hate people get for whatever it is they want. still supprised people post negative comments like this as opposed to just moving on. i for one would love to see something like this in my skyrim XD
  18. So I want to start by saying i have no talent for the whole modding thing, But i have a ton of ideas floating around in my head that I personally would love to see made into a mod. That being said im going to fill this up with my ideas in the hopes that some kind and skilled soul would be interested in making some of these ideas a reality. Now on to the ideas!! First revolves around the ever popular concept of a dwemer gun. although lore wise i think this concept has been looked at the wrong way. All ive seen so far is the equivlent of a black powder rifle from our world which to me doesnt seem to fit. Looking at the dwemer ruins and what usually found i picture something more akin to rivet gun that some hapless adventurer came across and decided to use as a "gun". Something like this could also be implemented as a quest. Find a busted one get someone who has done a lot of research on the dwemer to fix it up and there you go nice shiney new Dwemer Rivet Gun. Keeping with the dwemer idea throw in a way to revocer dwemer part and make your own centurions and the like as permanent followers, guards for homes, and so on. Another dwemer related idea i had was what i refer to as the "Soul Capacator" basically a reuseable soul gem that can also hold multiple "gems" worth of souls. This could also be implemented into a lengthy quest which could tie into the making of your own dwemer bots. Think of it as the power source for larger machines that the hero along with a fellow researcher find more practical uses for in the current world. Find a broken down factory with a damaged capacator that you take to said "scientist" and begin a quest chain with them remaking stronger versions of the item and eventually finding a dwemer weapons facility that you rebuild and get back into workign order. as far as uses for the capacator would obviously first be only needing to carry on soul gem, but also creating either more powerful items. not game breaking but be on par with the truly legendary items in the elder scrolls. I personally was never happy with the fact that you cant really be on par with the great legendary item creators of the game. Other uses could be powering greater dwemer technology, would open the door to many dwemer inspired mods im sure. I see this mod as a means of finally delving into the dwemer tech that has been getting researched for hundreds of years yet has yet to have an inpact on the world, which makes no sense i might add. Anyways enough with the dwemer for now.... Next few ideas are pretty basic... Spell: Summon Serpant. for those stealthy assassin characters summon various levels of snakes that have a decent sneak skill and a poisenous bite. be like the assassins of old opening a sack o snakes into your victoms room XD. but you get the idea sneak in summon snake quietly it slothers off and does the dead while you stay hidden. Armor: Dragon head gauntlets, anyone who has played league of legends will see where this is going i hope http://riot-web-stat...na_Splash_1.jpg destromage/monk anyone? in league that character puts hands together and shoots out a fireball much like a dual casted fireball. make and enchanted version with +fire dmg and +unarmed dmg. another thing im suprised wasnt in the game. Would make for a fitting legendary weapon if you ask me. Tameable animals that can be made permanent followers, not just dogs. would love to have a sabercat following me around helping out, on top of that let them carry items. In fact have armor and "weapons" just for them. rings on tails and amulets hanging from neck. Another great idea would be the ability to train your followers things you know. basically a means to give them perks, spells, and maybe even shouts. Who doesnt want to train lydia unrelenting force. Ill leave it at this for now but I will be adding more ideas soonish. again i suck at this so these are just selfish requests. so whoever would be willing to do these well know that your my hero XD
  19. well in quick reply to my own problems in case anyone else is experiancing this....turn off compatability view fixes it right up XD
  20. i agree the large monitor thing is a good idea, or the option to use old site. i dont know about anyone else but i cant download anything now, or look at comments on mods. none of the tabs for comments files and so on even work for me. not sure what issue is.
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