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About salomaogh

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  1. @TimeShadow, I dont know if thats your case, but, just for the record, when i use player.equipitem [ingestible], CTD is immediate, player.cios [ingestible] does the trick.
  2. That is a very interesting issue that i did not know about. I'm using a perk to do the same in my mod and, although i did not ran into a problem, i'll make it different. Is there any way to cast a spell that DECREASES the DT? I did not find any base effect for that and i can'5 add negative values to Increase DT base effect.that's why i used a perk. Edit: sorry i double post it, i did not mean that and there is no option to delete it in my mobile.
  3. That is a very interesting issue that i did not know about. I'm using a perk to do the same in my mod and, although i did not ran into a problem, i'll make it different. Is there any way to cast a spelk that DECREASES the DT? I did not find any base effect for that and i can'5 add negative values to Increase DT base effect.That's why i used a perk.
  4. this might be happening because there is a difference between the GetAv ,GetBaseAv and GetPermanentActorValue (i don't quite remember, but there is something to do with the perks that the player has). See this section of the documentation (http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=GetBaseActorValue) and the "See Also" section. I've never received any help with my questions here, but i managed to resolve them after months of search through the mods (and this annoyed me). I hope i helped you :smile: . Sometimes, knowing the mods in Nexus helps you find the answer (someone must have implemented something similar). Sometimes don't, because most modders don't comment their scripting (i do).
  5. Recently, i had the same problem and i figured it out that i had changed the the value "Version" in the record "file header" in FNVEdit. This may not be your case, but it's good for keeping records on the possible causes and solutions.
  6. Hi, I am Diego and i started porting the crysis nano suit as soon as i saw it on Fallout 3 website (here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/3732/?). However, at the currrent stage, i almost made everything from scratch. I'll be releasing soon the Alpha version for the adjustments of the variables values, but unfortunately, I googled every trusted website, searching for the current problem i have, which is as follows. I am creating perks so that the player can level with the suit, BUT i CANNOT add some perks and features from Crysis 2 and 3 without an implementation of the OnHit event. For instance, there is the Auto Armor perk in Crysis 3 that allows the suit to switch to armor mode as soon as the player GETS HIT. So i need to work on this event. I am not a good modder and i could use some help to solve this problem and improve the mod. One solution that i found is that i have to create a weapon and attach the OnHit script on it. But it would be a poor implementation modifying EVERY single weapon to do what i want. Besides, this would make a lot of other mods incompatible, which is not my purpose. Another example is when the target shoots the player in armor mode, the bullet impact sound is when you are shooting to a tank, which again, requires the OnHit event. I am not english native. If you do not understand my issue AND wish to help accomplish this, please do reply. I'll be eternally grateful. :smile: (SORRY, I POSTED THIS TOPIC TWICE.)
  7. Hi, I am creating this mod and i bumped into a little problem . I am trying to replace a "placed object" or "placed grenade" from a worldspace or a cell (like a moveable static car, for instance) by another object (like a car which is a container, like the loot vehicles mod). So, does someone know how to show all those specific objects in the filter, in order to be replaced by the ones i wish, apart from looking for them manually? Best Regards.
  8. I want to report to the moderator that i've only read this a few days ago and remembered that i used one mod that had a .*exe file on it. Now, i've just found out that the JIP REALISTIC WEAPON OVERHEATING mod has this file. I DON'T KNOW IF IT IS A VIRUS, because i don't even have a free antivirus (it slows down my pc). Better check it out, though. So, to those it may concern, this is the version of the file that i downloaded: JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating - Manual-49892-0-81.zip
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