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About Finaldeath1689

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  1. Really not liking the search change, very frustrating having to keep changing the search to mods every single time i try and use it. I don't care about "all the content", i use the site for mods, mods should be the default search unless i otherwise change it.
  2. In response to post #57044991. Another issue with searching mod comments in the forum thread is the stupid search timeout that is way too long.
  3. In response to post #56144671. #56145561, #56147231 are all replies on the same post. If they were getting rid of normal donations and replacing it with this they would have said so.
  4. In response to post #56136371. #56138101, #56140096, #56141861, #56143336 are all replies on the same post. Mods here will never be paid, the second they start selling mods is the second they get flooded with lawsuits from the devs/publishers of every game this site hosts mods for. There is not a single game out there that allows paid mods, donations are already riding the line and for most games mods are against the tos entirely.
  5. In response to post #56136371. #56138101, #56140096 are all replies on the same post. The whole thing clearly states that it's not paid mods. For users nothing will change, you can still download and use any mod on the site completely free. For mod makers there will be a pool of money each month made up from money from Nexus itself and people who decide to donate towards that pool, that pool of money will be distributed in the form of points based on the number of mods and number of unique downloads each of those mods has in that time frame, those points can then be used towards a variety of things.
  6. This is a great idea to reward mod authors and seems pretty well thought out. My main concern is for youtubers like Gopher and how this will affect them since when they make videos showing off mods those mods always get a nice jump in downloads. Since this is based on unique downloads it could lead to mod authors harassing said youtubers to feature their mods even more than they may already be doing since with this they would have a monetary incentive to do so.
  7. At the top of that section there is a list of currently blocked tags, if you click the tag there it will unblock it. Most likely done this way in case the page doesn't update properly when trying to block a tag so you don't accidentally unblock it.
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