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  1. Yes. I was preparing to make a post with details about it. There are a number of roadblocks for the project, with the most significant being F4SE and its current lack of functionality. They're getting close with the Papyrus support but it's not quite there.
  2. That's right, you won't need to learn anything outside of Papyrus to make a menu with MCM. I'm basing it on an unpublished (and unfinished :ermm:) evolution to FNV's MCM from about 2 years ago, which is way easier to work with than the original. The script will be in essentially two sections - one for defining the menu and the other for managing values returned from the user. There's a bit more information to input when defining the menu, but it ends up being much easier to read and alter. Still waiting on F4SE to bridge the UI and Papyrus before it really gets going, though. Then there's the mess of Flash and the decompiled UI to fully understand...
  3. I don't have anything to add to the holotape naming topic, but I wanted to let you all know that work on MCM is progressing. It's still very much in the initial stages, so I'm open to any requests or requirements you folks might have. No ETA unfortunately, but the menu building and managing is going to be much more streamlined than previous versions. Not a fan of Flash/Scaleform, though. :dry:
  4. Although it's fairly simple once you know what's going on, it's a really complex thing to dive into or explain to someone. Fortunately, there's some good documentation on Oblivion XML. (Unfortunately, I only found that a few weeks ago... I had to learn the hard way.) Since that's for Oblivion XML and not Fallout XML, there have been some additions from what's written there. You can find the new stuff if you browse through master_menu_file.txt, though. You'll also need to learn how to use menu input, which isn't covered there. One way is to detect a hotrect element's <mouseover> value and have your script run IsKeyPressed to detect a click. Another way, which also works for controllers, is to have a custom tag (one with a _ prefix, or user#) that adds the hotrect's <clicked> value and then gets cleared when another value is set via script. You'll find this method used by most interactive menus.
  5. There was a problem with the download. It looks like it's all been sorted now, though.
  6. It's now official: The Weapon Mod Menu. I spent my whole morning wrapping things up and giving it the final pre-release bashing. Thank you all for the assistance, especially since "beta" tends to scare away most people. I sincerely appreciate it. :) I haven't tested the functions on NPCs yet. It should be possible, though.
  7. Do you mean there's a bug with the new menu or the old one? The condition check in beta 5 should keep it the same as it was before the mod was attached/removed. My original says 0.5, as does the one I downloaded, so I'm not sure what's going on.
  8. Oops. It looks like I needed to recompile one of the quest stage scripts. Please download again if you got beta 5 before this was posted. (Edit: :pinch: I just noticed it was the same file. OK... it's really the new one now.)
  9. Thanks again for all of the feedback, folks. It should be ready for official upload now that I was able to fix that odd bug with HoldKey. I'll let it sit for another day or two to make sure no other bugs pop up, though. I need to come up with a logo, too... :confused: Added check to keep condition percentage after modifying Fixed bug with not equipping new weapon Removed debug code
  10. Good catch. :thumbsup: It's virtually nothing to add, so I'll have it keep the condition percentage. I actually like that better than the vanilla behavior for those mods, which seems to be to "repair" the weapon after modding.
  11. It's been designed to work with any weapon that can be modified. I've not specifically tested those, except WMX, but it shouldn't have a problem with them.
  12. Thanks for all of the feedback, folks. It's been very helpful. Fonger: The weapon has to be equipped before the script can see if it has any mods or not, so unfortunately it won't be possible to hide the X prompt beforehand. As for X not working if the mod isn't in the list is due to the hijacked input of the inventory menu. Removing the XML includes returns it to normal. Does schlangster's updated dll help the initial problem, though? jonnyeah: I've changed it to read as "Telescopic sight. Aim zoom + X%" as a compromise. I think it's important to keep the percentage, but I agree that it should be more indicative of the mod's use. (Although the mods usually have "scope" in the name.) antistar: Thanks for letting me know. I never noticed the two "None" types. (Mostly because I never paid much attention to the list in the Mod Info tab...) :blush: Added new wmod_ext.dll provided by schlangster Fixed mod description for "None" type Updated description for several mod types Added message for "X cannot be modified." Added a few debug globals For those of you having problems with the selected weapon not being equipped before opening the menu, I've added some debug globals. "WMMDebug" will print out info to the console regarding the equipping section of the script. "WMMDelay1" and "WMMDelay2" can be used to add delays, in frames, to the equipping process. Try changing these to different values to see if a delay helps guarantee the force equip. The format is just like any other global, e.g.: set WMMDelay1 to 1
  13. Well folks, I'm looking for some volunteers to test out my new mod. Thanks to a few new NVSE functions made by schlangster, it's essentially a new menu for adding/removing weapon mods. Feel free to download and try it out; feedback is appreciated. The readme:
  14. GetPlayerCurrentAmmo from NVSE is what you're looking for.
  15. I've been working on a Notepad-type text editor for the Pipboy. I have it where you press the N key while in the "Notes" section to open up the notepad. Writing in books is a neat idea, but I don't think I'll be doing that to start with.
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