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About Antioche

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    United States
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    XcomEW : The Long War

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  1. Can't log in, cant DL; get this fiasco together or myself & many others (I'll wager) are never giving you a dime again.
  2. Literally SO unimpressed with Xcom2 I could spit nails. Then entire game, minus the graphic splendor, seems hammered out in an attempt to make good on the popularity of Long War...& yet completely misses the mark when it comes to being anything like it. In my opinion, Xcom2 is just as unplayable (waste of time) in its current state, as Xcom was (is) vanilla. The slow dumbing down of your forces through the entire game series has had me pitching a *censored* since we were reduced to a single base; now to have the entire game based on a timer system? (Oh here you go, mission start...you have 8 turns to complete your objective...not eight before we start dropping in more foes.. eight turns period, every map...just..treat them all like the train transponder mission in Xcom!" "hey how about you sit on this & spin instead..." The entirety of these games is like the consistent fight vs. devs & their insistence on reinventing the wheel. Not unlike the consistent change in gameplay type Mass effect has (failed) to impress us with as they years go by. Sometimes ALL we want is a new story, & new graphics, & MORE options... Fewer options? ...never goes over well with gamers, nor for my part does "forced anxiety" when it comes to gameplay. THAT was the entire draw in the beginning months of LW development, it took a game & steeeeeetched it out by making you not ALWAYS with your back against the wall... Where are my second wave options? Commanders' choice? Aiming angles? "Oh well, mod those in, the game is moddable.." That's a Bethesda answer...one casually tossed at a modding community, who they know has more skill in their pinky fingers than your entire team has under their collective hats. WTF happened to a re-release of TFTD? How many people would have LOVED an xcom that came out in the shadows of the original, which took us to the underwater fight INSTEAD of 20 years into the future, instead of a 'you've lost, & you have a stopwatch shoved up your ass to boot.' The game is a failure in my book. At this point, a waste of time & resources in a life I can already see more time behind than ahead in....& I won't waste the one thing I value on it.
  3. Would it be possible, to make the first radiant quest fore the minutemen (Given by Preson Garvy at the same time he asks you to help Sturgis around Sanctuary) be to go aid the settlers at Abernathy farms? instead of sending you first to Tenpines Bluff? Here's my theory with it.. I believe it was meant to be that way to begin with... Abernathy has food, one of the first things Sturgis asks you to do is plant crops at Sanctuary. The conversation when you first encounter the farmer at Abernathy even states something to the effect of "since we helped you out..maybe you could do something for us.." ...since they didn't DO anything, except talk to you about farming (again the second-or-third thing Sturgis requests) I got to thinking "THIS is where you get the "seed plants" for Sanctuary..." The farmer asks you to go to the Radar station; which is almost literally between Sanctuary & Tenpines.., which is still quite a ways past it.. Radar station Olivia is also your "first" real chance to loot things with circuitry in them, which is necessary for the very next thing Sturgis asks for.. defenses.. another reason it should likely have been the first minuteman radiant quest. So, for sake of conjecture; the questline would take you to Abernathy, which directs you to Olivia; when finished it would trigger the Tenpines quest, which if you travel to would pass you by the quarry (giving you tome to do that pre-quest & start the water draining) ..Then Tenpines would ask you to go to the Corvega plant.. further south than you likely have ever been if solely following those questlines up to this point... It flows far better in gameplay if you take it upon yourself to do it in this manner; & considering how close Abernathy IS to sanctuary, along with the odd communication between the farmers there & you, & the general way it works out.." I thought I would look into changing the order the quests are given in... Can it be done without Geck? Can it be done even WITH it once it's out? -A
  4. In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674, #28596009, #28596734, #28602924, #28604599, #28614394, #28614759, #28620629, #28622439, #28622704, #28630589, #28630739, #28630799, #28630989, #28631099, #28649744, #28671734, #28674019, #28694069, #28695409, #28701504 are all replies on the same post. +1
  5. In response to post #24887504. #24889644, #24889694, #24895694, #24919514 are all replies on the same post. I've donated several times over to the makers of Long war, it's never been a hassle with Paypal.
  6. Cancelled re-occurring premium membership. knew this would happen sooner or later.
  7. Well done! Long War is by far the best unreleased-expansion I have ever had the pleasure of playing; your videos are long; but they show some pretty good tactics as well as game hints for loadouts. Keep up the good work!
  8. You've got to be kidding me? 4096 texture settings on shadows don 't work for a R7970 card? some Bu**SH** with Dxd9?? I'm stuck running 8192 resoloution on shaodws if I want them out-doors?? That's a load of crap ! ...My 2.6 quad core is taxed-to-the-max with such rendering; irregardless of my 3g of ddr5 on the vid card! TELL ME there's a fix other than waiting for the next Catalyst drivers !!!! *runs off screaming*
  9. *grins* Pleased to see this was met with the intent I wrote it! I did NOT know Nexus Auto-appends uploaded zips! That explains allot. Pleased to see I am not the only one however that sits late at night thinking "How in the frak did they come UP with this??" Kudos again to all modders everywhere, whether I use your mod; or simply tested it for a few days; Each one of you has helped cut & polish this game into the jewel it has become in my collection. ~Jack Burton (Me!)
  10. Anyone notice a bug wherein a plant will remain once picked..well, sort of; it is replaced with a transparant image of itself in full health (preharvested) Ghah... figured it out. Had NO shadows out-of-doors as well. Just upgraded to an HD 7970; had to upscale the shadowmap away from 4096 to 6144... ghah...
  11. So; you're up late at night, the mod idea is burning your brain too brightly to sleep, & you think you finally have an esp that's workable! It's everyone's desire (pretty much) to have their mod concidered 'indispensable" by the community. Rightly so! it can lead to any number of incredible opportunities in life, be it as a designer, or simply padding your cashflow with a few dollars here & there donated by pleased fans. Couple of things I've noticed as the years have gone by regarding things like this; & one of them came to my attention again today. Remember that "up late at night" line? It's still no excuse to call your esp by an acronym so obscure that no-one shy of a seer (or you yourself, we know our own children after all..) would be able to know what they are looking at. Imagine you have a huge folder filled with the mods you use ... How pleased are you at three A.M. with the ones that call themselves things like "Cobt v1.2.2.1" and "SMIM 1.2" and the like? (yes, I know what both of those are..) if you've included no readme; & the same-named zip file contains only the tersely named ESP; Then your soul shouldn't be suprised when it hits the trashcan in frustration as someone is re-building their game.. Yes, yes, It SEEMED like a perfectly good way to make your esp succinct and fit nicely in the mod manager window...but really now all you've done is gotten deleted unless you happen to be "rediscovered" by the poor modder who has more mods than time to google esp names. That's pretty much it..."Name your esp & your zip file something OTHER than a combination of the first letters from each word in what it does & it's seven+ digit version number.." don't include your name in the ESP file, it seems like a good way to differentiate your mod from everyone elses; ..& if you DO; for the love of the nine, don't make it the FIRST word! Also, don't make "The" the first word in your ESP name, you're bucking the "alphabetical order" trend they've been setting for some time now & its a pain in the...brain. (*grins* tongue in cheek post of course; as I've been guilty of these things in the past no doubt! (Jacks' IMCN for New vegas baybee!) ...Here's to trying to rest your brain between texture pack reloads of a borked copy of Skyrim! ~Jack Burton ( Me! )
  12. You guys know the seam we try desperatly to get rid of at the neckline of character models? What would cause them to be appearing halfway through Auroras; & cloud formations? I DO have many texture mods loaded. ...Thinking I had a mesh/texture mismatch I deleted all my meshes/textures in the data/sky folders & reinstalled them from zip files...no dice. I'd ALMOST swear they are 'okay' for a moment in-game, then the more you look around & the longer you stand there the more screwed up they become with huge straight lines of seam running through them or separating cloud formations. Could it be the "time passage" effect of the changing sky? ( I run RCRN in classic mode as well ) ( I run Skyrim in Ultra with everything cranked; as well my ini file is tweaked with the ultra shadow prefs; though those things should have nothing to do with such... 1920x1080 resoloution..Is that a problem? ) Thanks in advance guys; this is really bothering me!
  13. I've been out of game for a few days; but when I last played, I noticed my camera was WAY out of whack. I tried to re-edit my skyrimprefs file to reset my preferred values to over the shoulder & first person, but after mucking with it in-& out-of game for thirty minutes I can't seem to get the changes to "take" Made sure the skyrimprefs was saving my changes; Made sure I sheathed/unsheathed once in game to reset the camera; Left the cell I was in to reload new values for the worldspace; The x/y/z position changes are not responding at all. It's as if I am modifiing the wrong file all of a sudden... (Made that mistake in F3 or new vegas; two prefs files in that game; one in windows/users, the other in the game directory itself!) What am I doing wrong? have I missed a patch that made the commands I use invalid? [Camera] fOverShoulderAddY=0.0000 fOverShoulderPosZ=10.0000 fOverShoulderPosX=0.0000 fOverShoulderCombatAddY=0.0000 fOverShoulderCombatPosZ=10.0000 fOverShoulderCombatPosX=0.0000 These are the base changes I make to center everything; then I work off of it till comfortable. even these values won't "center" my camera... Any help would be great ! Thanks in advance! [Edit] ~ Seems I WAS altering the wrong file... added the same changes to the "skyrim" configuration file as well as the skyrimprefs version in user data on steam... the changes took... weird.. ~Jack Burton (Me!)
  14. Seems recently my character has begun standing up with arms noooot quite out in cross position while on horseback. the glitch comes and goes; seems to come almost instantly when I release the run-forward key. (change in animation from gallop to...? ) FNIS problem? I've re-run the config several times... I run conveniant horses for my horse mod as well.. Anyone else seeing this recently that's never seen it before? Any ideas on how to fix it? ~Thanks in advance !! ~Jack Burton (ME!)
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