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Everything posted by Chleba2x

  1. Yup, sorry. My brain read Vortex Support and somehow translated it to Nexus Support *sigh*
  2. Hi all, I hope this thread won't be taken as entirely stupid, I just wish to ask a simple question. I've been browsing Nexus mods for about a week every single day now and only today this ad started showing up over random images across the mod pages: I mean it looks exactly like something from a virus... I wasn't even gonna ask until I saw it cover the SMIM title. At that point I thought something just has to be wrong. I tried to google "Consejos y Trucos" or "Sponsored by Consejos y Trucos" but found nothing I would understand. So my question is this: does Nexus have anything to do with these ads or is it possibly a virus on my side? Does anyone else experience these?
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