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  1. In dialog, sometimes a companion will be picked at random to comment. Do you guys think there's any way to make it so the game picks all 3 to comment one after another?
  2. and They all have follower potential :3 The monotonous voice in all of his videos just makes it easier to get expanded lines so he could be a multitask follower with vast dialog :D
  3. This idea is too good to be ignored though, There must be a modder that is a cr1TiKaL fan somewhere... :/
  4. What's up everybody! So I found myself working on a Cr1TiKaL follower but I am very limited to put him as a regular follower, I also thought of giving him tiger skin http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14874/? or http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4362/? or just the avarage look he got represented with in Speedo's video I could use all the help anyone would offer to give me. I could just give you guys the audio files named after its function and you could do the rest. I also consider using this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36265/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D36265&pUp=1(Brotherhood pride) for his clothing He would be double handed in combat with some magic (As in 1 hand magic and other hand weapn) or just double single handed weapons with the following weapons: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52194/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52361/? He would also be able to use some shouts such as bendwill , animal allegiance and unrelenting force I request the modding community to aid me on this mod by adding some fancy stuff like a quest to get the follower or a magnificent way of him presenting to the dragonborn (Like a thunder falling in front of the Dragonborn and then resulting on the appearance of him) or just plain and simple feedback on wether or not make him a khajit or not and some other features as I would like this to be also a mod discussion thread where you could suggest the npc behavior.
  5. Ladies and gentlement, I've been through mods so as any of you and enjoyed every single one of them both op and non-op, but there are mods that are so simple yet not existent that it is my duty to make the request to the modders to make my dreams and the dreams of others come true. 1.- Everlasting resurrection spell -This mod would rise the dead for infinite seconds allowing them to do normal tasks while dismissed or become followers again while in "zombie mode" (doing zombie sounds regulairly) also, it would have no discrimination on leveling so it would be the ultimate necromancy.(Variations may also be possible but with different spell names and hopefully standalone) If possible, no SKSE required although that is only me not liking SKSE 2.- Toggle Essential spell It is just frustrating how many mods are out there that have an incredible amount of things stacked to this feature yet nobody has thought yet of a simmple spell that just gets the job done (with elaborate I mean SKSE fancy GUI doing EVERYONE unessential)What this mod would do is as simple as toggling essential status on and of for the targetted npc, there could even be an area spell for the masses. I dont even know if this is possible but it sounds just too simple to do and hopefully it is. Hopefully this would be a stand alone without the requirement of SKSE, but again, that is just me not liking SKSE. 3.- Escape Rope While playing moded worlds, sometimes the bad scripting traps you inside the cave, I have been using the moveto console command but if there is a mod that could sort of appear a rope out of nowhere from the roof and include animations of the player climbing it as the screen fades into a loading screen ending up in the entrance of the cave or a key spot. It would be a more lore friendly experience for me, I dont know if this has been thought before.Also, there should be a warning to the use of this mod as some quests require dialog on your way out of the cave. I was inspired by the escape rope tool in the pokemon franchise. 4.-Extra Bonus w/bow While using the bow at a high level, enemies are too strong to obtain a 1-hit sniper kill destroying most strategies, this mod's target is not to make an op bow, but to increase the sneaking bow multiplier. 5.-World-proof enchantments I have been struggling with depending on armor parts,even with multiple enchantments mod I still cant add fireproof to my boots depending completely on my chest armor. It would be pretty sweet to be able to enchant every body part with any enchanment. and it would surely be appreciated. 6.- Customizable Map Markers Isn't it annoying when you want to memorize a place, yet, if you place the blue maker it will be there all the time bothering your map and mini compass view. Its my map, I want to place markers with house icons or temple icons! A customizable map would be pretty great! Well, these are the "Dream mods." I hope, if you are a modder, consider making any of the basic ideas a thing, you dont even have to credit me. If you are a regular visitor, I hope you like/follow my ideas and understand my views as I tried to be as clear as possible with limited knowledge of the English language. LONG LIFE SKYRIM NEXUS!
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