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Everything posted by redangellion

  1. Here's my mod list. https://modwat.ch/u/redangellion/plugins I'm having the strangest problem. Whenver I jump from a certain height, my character gets locked into this animation upon landing: https://imgur.com/a/z5F53 Jumping or drawing a weapon breaks me out of the pose/animation, but it happens again the next time I jump from high enough. I'm pretty sure this is not a vanilla animation. It looks very similar to the landing animation from a mod called Pretty Jumping... which I have never installed and didn't even know about before trying to fix this problem. But when I jump regularly (that is, just standing there and press jump) the animation is vanilla all the way through. It's only when I jump or fall above a certain height that this animation plays upon landing. This is so weird. I cannot figure out where this animation could be coming from. I don't even have any other animation mods, I don't think. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
  2. First, my mod list: https://modwat.ch/u/redangellion/plugins I'm having a strange issue. I'll be playing, running around wherever, and sometimes when I switch to 3rd person, I'm stuck in this kneeling position: https://imgur.com/a/z5F53 I can't move around, but I can jump, and if I draw a weapon it goes away and everything's fine; I can move normally again, and if I put the weapon away it stays fixed temporarily but will always come back before too long. Also, while I'm stuck like this in 3rd person, I can freely switch back to 1st person, and while in 1st person everything is normal, but it doesn't "fix" the issue like drawing a weapon does; that is, if I switch to 1st person I can move normally, but if I switch back to 3rd person, I go back to being stuck in the kneeling position. I can switch like this rapidly and the problem remains; 3rd person stuck, 1st person fine, 3rd person stuck, et cetera. Anyone seen this before or have any idea what it could be? I have a lot of mods but not sure which is the culprit. I do have FNIS and have run the patcher, but maybe I did it wrong, I dunno.
  3. So, I got tired of hearing "Why Don't You Do It Right?" every 5 minutes and used Extended New Vegas Radio Generator to add my own songs. It worked, sort of. I would occasionally hear my new songs, but it sure seemed like I was still hearing "Ain't That a Kick In the Head" every other song. So, I went into the appropriate folder (Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\Sound\songs\radionv) and the songs I was tired of hearing. I removed the originals, renamed my replacement songs the exact same, and put them in the folder. However, the old songs are still playing. How is this even possible? I'm assuming these files must exist somewhere else and the game is finding them and playing them from there. I even tried outright DELETING the songs from the folder, not replacing them with anything, and they STILL play in the game. WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?! Also, I've tried this both WITH and WITHOUT the RNV Extended mod activated. Anyone have any ideas for me, here?
  4. So, I got tired of hearing "Why Don't You Do It Right?" every 5 minutes and went into the appropriate folder (Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\Sound\songs\radionv) and replaced that song, along with a bunch of others. I removed the originals, renamed my replacement songs the exact same, and put them in the folder. However, the old songs are still playing. How is this even possible? There files must exist somewhere else, I'm assuming. On top of that, I even tried outright DELETING the songs from the folder, not replacing them with anything, and they STILL play in the game. WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?! Anyone have any ideas for me, here? Edit: D'oh. The topic title should be "Replaced RNV Songs" not "RNC Songs." Just to clarify, it is Radio New Vegas I'm trying to work on.
  5. So, I downloaded danthegeek's Underground Hideout mod (http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/37884), and I want to move the entrance to Novac, right beneath Dinky. I've tried a couple of things but none have panned out for the following reasons: I first tried making a new door, placing it under Dinky, then linking it (after unlinking the original) to the main interior door in the hideout (a door called MainExitREF). This works to a certain degree, but results in a new door marker being created in the interior cell which is, of course, out of place; it takes me inside but in the middle of a wall. This leads to the main problem, which is that I have a hell of a time even getting the new (or even the original, for that matter) door marker to show up at all. When I load the cell it's nowhere to be found. The only way I can (sometimes) get it to show up is by jumping to it via the exterior door's edit window. Problem is, it can't be moved while that window is open, and disappears again as soon as I close the window. I then tried just moving the original exterior door to Dinky via the 3D Data tab in the edit window. This is fine except for the fact that the door marker doesn't come along with it and, as far as I know, there's no 3D Data tab or anything similar for markers; they have to be moved through the worldspace manually, which would be a huge pain considering the distance (door and marker are originally placed in the middle of nowhere southwest of McCarran). So, can someone more knowledgeable than me help me figure this out and/or make the change for me and send me the new esp? By the way, I've sent a message to the author, danthegeek, but he hasn't responded, so I thought I'd ask on the board. Thanks to anyone who can help! Edit: I figured it out! It has to do with mulitbounds (whatever that is). I went into my geckcustom.ini (my documents\falloutnv) and changed bUseMultibounds=1 to bUseMultiBounds=0 and could then see a lot of "missing" objects in the GECK, including the door marker.
  6. Hm, I tried this with no luck. Another thing I discovered is that the markers don't seem to appear unless I have the edit window of their linked doors open. That is, if I go to the cell where the marker is located, it doesn't show up. But if I open up the "edit" page for the door that links to it, the marker suddenly appears, and will disappear again when I close the "edit" window. Edit: It appears that this is caused by having the edit window of the door in question open; I had another door marker do the same thing and, once I closed the edit window, was able to move it.
  7. So, I downloaded the Underground Hideout mod (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37884) and the entrance to the hideout is way in the northwest of the map. I wanted to move it closer to Novac. The problem is that I can't rotate or move the relevant door markers.I did the following: 1. opened the main file (UHNV.esp) in the Geck 2. found the door in the wilderness that leads to the hideout, copied it, unchecked the teleport 3. pasted the door into the exterior cell where I want it, checked teleport, linked it to the INTERIOR door in the hideout (EHMainExitRef, the same door that the original exterior door was linked to) 4. jumped to the linked door marker and tried to rotate it, but couldn't The following thread describes the exact problem I'm having. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/380074-door-teleport-marker/page__p__3124837__hl__marker__fromsearch__1#entry3124837 Basically, I can select the door marker but when I then right click and hold to try and rotate it, it instead seems to kind of deselect everything, and the next object I click on (aside from the marker, which becomes immediately deselected if I try to click on it) goes into a sort of locked rotation; that is, I left click on it, it goes into rotate mode without having to hold down the button. Right clicking cancels. The one reply to the above thread doesn't seem to be an actual solution; I believe the coordinates mentioned are for the door and not the marker. Does anyone know why this happens or what I'm doing to cause it? Edit: Upon further investigation, it seems to be something about these specific doors; I checked another door in a vanilla area and was able to rotate the marker. However, I compared the vanilla door details with the details of the door from the mod and find no difference in checked options or anything.
  8. You are the man! Thanks a ton! So, will I see the perk listed in my stats screen, or is it completely hidden...?
  9. I'm afraid I don't recall any. However (and you probably already know this, but just in case) weapon handling will add two pts to your strength for the purposes of weapons min requirements (gotta be level 16 though). If you already aware of that and still need a solution, get back to me and I'll hack the weapon handling perk (whatever you need to get to what ever value) and make it hidden. That way will be a lot less problematic re: game balance than bumping up your strength. This would be great! I would really appreciate it if you could whip up a mod like this! Maybe make it so that Weapon Handling would add a full 9 points the purposes of minimum requirements? I'd really rather not actually edit my strength up, as that'd be a bit too unbalanced. I'm really so surprised that there isn't a mod like this already. Oh, the only thing about changing the Weapon Handling perk is that I use the More Perks mod... that shouldn't be a problem, should it? If I remember correctly, I'm also using another mod that adds a single perk and it doesn't seem to conflict with More Perks. Anyway, thanks a ton if you can do this! Edit: Could you also remove/lower the level requirement for Weapon Handling so it can be taken early on?
  10. I just did a search and was astonished to find that there seems to be no mod which removes/lowers the strength requirements for weapons. Is there some reason? I was sure I'd find one.
  11. So, I'm trying to make a mod which adds a secret entrance to Riften. Using the Creation Kit, I placed a door (porthole type) INSIDE the city, just outside the Thieves Guild entrance, in the corner near the walls. Then I placed another door right on the other side of the walls and linked them together. The doors work but the problem is that the door that's OUTSIDE the city is actually still in the Riften World Space. That is, when I use the door INSIDE the city, it teleports you to the other side of the walls, but you're not actually in the Wilderness; the city gates don't have a backside and such. I sorta knew this would happen because, when I was placing the second door, I noticed that it was still in the Riften cell, even though it was outside the walls, but I don't know what to do about it. Now, I know it should be possible to place the door just outside the walls and have it be in the Wilderness because, well, you can leave the city and walk right up to the walls, right? Tl:dr; how do I placed door just outside of city walls?
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