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About Gekko200000

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  1. Would anyone with outfit mod experience be willing to make some outfits from Roosterteeth's RWBY show? I'd love to be able to have at least the main groups. Ruby https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/f/f2/Ruby_Timeskip.png/revision/latest?cb=20160701205445 Weiss https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dd/97/3b/dd973b9589e4c34898d706f5fc698a38.jpg Blake https://www.fightersgeneration.com/nf2/char/rwby/blake-belladonnna-costume-reference3.png Yang http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/0/0b/Yang_Turnaround_copy.png/revision/latest?cb=20150104034915
  2. Hello everyone! I was wondering if there was anyone who would be able to create a clothing mod based on an outfit from Eureka Seven, a bit of an older anime.
  3. Type in coctestinghall After that, Find the door that leads to hawkhaven, and fast travel whereever
  4. That total douche who lives in the house across your skingrad house. Jesus, i cant count how many times i've put a bomb in his house.
  5. Who do you think is the best ACTIVE clothing modder? Personally, i like whoever did the Altair clothing and rise of a samurai clothing. Favorite clothing mods so far for me!
  6. Well, First of all, i know this is probably in the wrong section, and i request that the forum mods move this to the correct area. Second, and most importantly, I am looking for a good clothing/armor maker to make a couple clothing mods for me. These would be from the Eureka 7 animes. I will include images (Google FTW!) of what i would like done in this commission. Thank you very much to anyone who attempts. Eureka's standard outfit http://lawrarashop.com/images/Eureka%20Seven.jpg Talho's first outfit (3 sided view) http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/3521.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/3522.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/3523.jpg Talho's second outfit (very simple) http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii257/s...ne321/talho.jpg Renton's outfit http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/10511.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/10512.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/10513.jpg Anemone's outfit http://site.cosplaystation.ca/Yahoopictures/cos0866-1.jpg http://site.cosplaystation.ca/Yahoopictures/cos0866-2.jpg http://site.cosplaystation.ca/Yahoopictures/cos0866-3.jpg Please, if anyone is interested, please contact me at [email protected].
  7. Well, First of all, i know this is probably in the wrong section, and i request that the forum mods move this to the correct area. Second, and most importantly, I am looking for a good clothing/armor maker to make a couple clothing mods for me. These would be from the Eureka 7 animes. I will include images (Google FTW!) of what i would like done in this commission. Thank you very much to anyone who attempts. Eureka's standard outfit http://lawrarashop.com/images/Eureka%20Seven.jpg Talho's first outfit (3 sided view) http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/3521.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/3522.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/3523.jpg Talho's second outfit (very simple) http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii257/s...ne321/talho.jpg Renton's outfit http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/10511.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/10512.jpg http://site.cosplaymagic.com/cosplay/10513.jpg Anemone's outfit http://site.cosplaystation.ca/Yahoopictures/cos0866-1.jpg http://site.cosplaystation.ca/Yahoopictures/cos0866-2.jpg http://site.cosplaystation.ca/Yahoopictures/cos0866-3.jpg Please, if anyone is interested, please contact me at [email protected]. I'm afraid i can't pay you, but my friend and i will be eternally grateful!
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