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About ri2do

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  1. Hi All, Anyone got any advise to make frontier mods has some daylight in it? Almost 90% of the time is dark in there, regardless if I wait till the middle of the day or night. It's really annoying and tbh, takes away fun from playing. I like to see what I am exploring and not go by the length of my pip boy light Is there a solution to make days in frontier as bright as in standard FNV i would appreciate the help. I do use ENB and I do use the reduce weather strength mod and ENB fix for frontier already.
  2. Hi All, As the title say. Do anyone know of any examples of people getting banned for modding? I would really love to install some mods (like the map without landmarks) but I'm worried i will get banned from the Bethesda server and that will be the end of my F76 adventure. So how safe is it, anyone got any examples of know stories of people getting caught? what happen to them? thanks
  3. Hi All, I'm trying to figure out what may be causing this, I was sure it was NAC special effect but after turning them off it didn't help. I know I somehow managed to get rid of it in my previous playthough but it was few months ago and I forgot all about it. The problem is, that once I start burning my screen goes white for the burn duration and I cant see s*** (excl my weapon), anyone know which mod may cause it? https://ibb.co/hy4mMT
  4. In response to post #55015438. +1 you are not alone mate, I hate it too
  5. In response to post #54957703. #54958568 is also a reply to the same post. what can i say. Im used to old design. Also, i did not not know there are drop downs, and if oyu do not know the "tracking center" is at the bottom of the page, not on your site profile anymore. Another this isif you do n ot have a filter selected it show all games, previously it already filter to the forums game, so my comments stands. Not everyone has to enjoy the redesign, clearly you do but I dont PS: not like my or anyone else complains matter, they will go with it anyway no matter how many against voices there will be
  6. new site design is terrible, completely counter intuitive. It took me 20 minutes to find my tracked mods, and than I had to filter them by game even though i was already in FO4 selection. This is not a progress but a stepback
  7. Hello All, As the title say, I would be extremely grateful if some talented soul would be able to recreate Kato body (after the boob job) look in FO4. I will not post any NSFW pictures here, but they are super easy to find on google :smile: but here is a clothed example (just a bit under boob nothing major) https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b9/91/4a/b9914a66af4b3cb988c24e8010c9e5e9--steamgirl-com-kato-steampunk.jpg I would be really greatful cause as I only play male characters, so im rubbish with bodyslide sliders.
  8. @Twistedfatal I got to the bottom of my problem. It was in fact the facegen data and mask data. to be more specific the size of the files and looksmenu presets. After some digging I noticed that the face morphs were way off, eyebrows did not show at all and the overlayes from Looksmenu compendium did not show too. That let me to belive that it was a resoultion problem. I'm still playing around to find the optimal setting but for now to make all works I was forced to move to the real HD 2k faces mod and bump my uTintWidth and uTintHeight to 2k as well in the ini files. I will still play with it, as I would like to force it to downsize to 1k without messing s#*! up, cause having all faces in the game in 2k is a bit taxing even for my gaming rig.
  9. Hi all, wondering if someone could help me out as I can not find one clear answer. LooksMenu works great expect for presets, most presets have brown faces or miss match face skin to body. and they looks kinda ugly (like face morphs would be messed up) like this: I got all the required mods installed yet it still wrong.
  10. have you run LOOT? have you run F4Edit? looking at the load order I can straight away see that some esp.s are not in the right order. for example. Looksmenu under the looksmenu compendium. Try running both programs, first LOOT than F4Edit, and see how it goes. LOOT should sort your problems, but running F4edit should give you some additional hints if something is out of order (F4edit will stop loading esp's if another mod should be loaded before the one it stopped on, also it will tell you which one need to be loaded first). Adjust your load order and assets order to match these messeges.
  11. Hi All, I got a question regarding the LooksMenu and Mod Orgainzer 2. I'm trying ot make it work but after few days of tinkering I could not get it to happen. I tried both installing the LooksMenu though MO2 and manually directly into the Fallout4 folder. I tried to move the LooksMenu esp down the load order, as well having the LooksMenu assets installed with MO2 to be setup at the bottom - nothing. I disable all the plugins and tried to run the game with just DLC's and LooksMenu though MO2 - nothing. F4Edit and LOOT - did do nothing for me too. LooksMenu works if I run the game though F4SE Loader and runing with NMM. anyone got any tips how to make LooksMenu works though MO2? I really want to avoid reisntalling all mods to NMM, so my LooksMenu will be working. Thanks
  12. beth added creation club access only. 4.4mb patch nothing more as far as I'm aware. waiting for F4SE team to update as well, hopefully they will do it soon, cause there are no changes tbh
  13. not sure if it was expended or not. The space as it is, its pretty small and could do with additional room, especially that there is a plenty of world space in the area (easy to check out with tcl). THe project is abandon and sadly, although new area would be nice, its more crucial to fix the bug the current area have: - not working snapping points (like walls or floors) - companions cant be left there (not a settlement) - LOF if broken in places, especially if you move close to windows and s#*! (makes the city disappear ect) - there is plenty more bugs, that I forgot or havent noticed, but as my modding skills are at -1 level I cant do anything to fix it.
  14. Hi guys and girls, So there is this mod called the Diamond City Penthouse made by MatchesMalone89. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13241/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D13241%26preview%3D&pUp=1 the mod has a great potential, but sadly has quite a few bugs and kinks that are in need of ironing and the mod author has stopped working on the project, but allow for the mod to be used as a base to continue and expand on what has been done. Although there are many home modes, I have not seen another one like this, I'm not a skilled modder, well I'm not a modder at all, hence I put this request here. Would anyone be interested in tackling this project and brining it up to the point at which it should be? This would make many people really happy :)
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