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Everything posted by ri2do

  1. Hi all, I was wondering if someone could maybe take a look at Cait. I see there are already mods that alter/improve the looks for Curie and Piper, but non for Cait. As a man I never played a female char (and most likely never will) so I have no experience in beautifying females, so I was hoping that someone with experience in this field could do it (before CK is out) I'm aware of the "slm" console command, but I don't have a talent for this sort of thing. If anyone willing to make a new and improved Cait I would greatly appreciate that. Thanks
  2. HYPE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. cool, thanks for the tip I use LOOT which is recommended as a successor of BOSS, and I've already use enbboost with my setup (ICBINE + fxaa injector)
  4. hey,, thanks for quick tip. I had all expansions ticked + the high res patch in launcher. I un-ticked them all as they are managed by MO anyway, but the game kept crashing :/ I never fought about this, but sadly it did not help.
  5. hey all, I'm looking for help on my game problem. Basically game keep crashing at random and I cant really pinpoint why. I was thinking it maybe the 3.1gb limit for memory that did this, as I was using enb (which even in performance version (any enb i tried +/- 20) giving me 10fps). I moved to FXAA + ICBINE3 + enb boost (with memory hack). Game runs smoothly now but still crash. I done some ini tweak as described in STEP guide, but nothing major or experimental. I was hoping if someone know about any tool that could create a log, of what was the last thing loaded by game or something like that, that could indicate which mod is crashing it. I should add my pc specs as well, really: 64 bit win 7 AMD a8-6600K 3.9GHz quad core 8gb of ram amd HD8570 and 2gb HD6670 graphics card in crossfire anyways here is a dump of my load order (after sorting with loot + some manual sorting): sorry no idea how to add spoiler # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espDawnguard.esmUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espHearthFires.esmUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espDragonborn.esmUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espFalskaar.esmWyrmstooth.espJSwords.esmZaZAnimationPack.esmGeneralStores.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmSharedSeranaDialogue.esmMFVM.esmSchlongs of Skyrim - Core.esmNPCs of Dibella - Resources.esmRaceCompatibility.esmNight Eye Overhaul.esmSexLab.esmHentaiPregnancy.esmSexLabAroused.esmApachiiHair.esmhdtHighHeel.esmphiNoFF.esmUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espFNISSexyMove.espAuto Unequip Ammo.espAHZmoreHUD.espHDTPhysicsWeaponSling.espSexLab Attraction.esmFullBootForKKSA.espBook Covers Skyrim.espBrawl Bugs CE.espELFX - Dawnguard.espDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.espHDT Capes.espChesko_WearableLantern.espELFXEnhancer.espRebirth Monster.espConvenient Horses.espFCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.espWWW.espCloaks - Dawnguard.espV740T_MGolDinS&M.espFlameAtronachArmor.espApropos.espNeutralHjerim.espCombat Evolved - Enemy Poison.espFh hairs-by zzjay.espLock Overhaul.espAFT_NoDances.espSkyrimConfigMenu.espCazy Hairs-by zzjay.espDeadlyMonsters.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espConvenient Horses - Faster Sprint.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espLoversVictim.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espEnchantedArsenal.espFacelight.espELFX - Exteriors.espHigh Level Enemies - Falskaar.espCharmingHighHeels.espK2 HDT Boots.espHigh Level Enemies - Dragonborn.espDeadlyDragonsArmory.espethereal_elven_overhaul.espIndividualizedShoutCooldowns.espImmersive Sounds - Compendium.espEnhancedLightsandFX.espvampirefarith.espGuards Attack Hostiles.espFS_UltimateAssortment.espISCompendium Enhanced Blood Patch.espComplete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.espHigh Level Enemies.espMagicrunesword.espCloaks.espHigh Level Enemies - Dawnguard.espNEO Prolonged Spell.espELFX - Dragonborn.espNPCs of Dibella - Females - USKP.espDragon Soul Relinquishment.espRealisticWaterTwo.espNEO Brighter Default 150.espAV1Dragon_Lords.espbrawlbug-plugin.espAtlas Legendary.espISCompendium CCO Patch.espRaceMenu.espELFX - NoBreezehome.espSOSRaceMenu.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espChaconne.espBashed Patch, 0.espDeadlyDragons.espNo_stretching.espLunariWarriors.espRaceMenuPlugin.espRevampedExteriorFog.espBabette.espRealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.espExtended UI.espTembtra Thief Armor.espSOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.espDajiaNingheimFollower.espRenHair.espPerMa Expansion 1 - Wintermyst.espFollowerAnthi.espSkyUI.espThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.espUndeath.espBetter Vampires.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espCombat Evolved - Core.espNight Eye Overhaul.espFluffusMinimus_Legendaryish.espGCE Torte.espbetter_torches_brighter_torchlight.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espMarriable Serana.espBetterDarkBrotherhood.espSkyrim+ALL DLC.espImmersive Weapons.espiHUD.espSchlongs of Skyrim.espBTRH_Waifu.espBijin Wives.espNila.espRun For Your Lives.espUrsine Armor Pack.espJahiya.espPerkusMaximus_Warrior.espSexLabArousedAnimations.espUnique Uniques.espMarriable Serana HF.espJKs Skyrim.espBF.espRaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.espFemale NPCs Cleaned-Up.espSeductress Serana.espSexLab Submit Serana.espSoul Trap Redone.espDudestiaMultiMarriages.espSMIM-Merged-All.espBreezehome_Fully_Upgradable.espSexLab Submit.espScopedBows.espMFVM_Hearthfire_Patch.espSpousetocustomhome.espDeadlyCombat.espnTr4nc3 - Whiterun Mansion.espFollowerSha.espSexLab_DibellaCult.espMerta Assassin Armor.espELFX_2_0_BFU_Patch.espPoet.espDanarielStormbow.espMoreNamedBows.espSofiaFollower.espWorldEaterBeater.espNo Snow Under the Roof - JK's Skyrim.espAMatterOfTime.espSOS - Shop.espSpousesEnhanced.espdD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.espSpousesEnhanced_Serana.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espMagic of the Magna-Ge.espLoversComfort.espCiceriareplacor.espR18pn - lingerie Set.espGwelda Armor Pack.espFNISspells.espSummonFollowers.espCrossbows_Basic_Collection_EN_LL.espPerkusMaximus_Mage.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espSexLab Approach.espPerkusMaximus_Master.espVeronicaFollower.espMeeraFollower.espDeadlyDragonsSpells.espSunniva.espPrometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.espPrometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.espMy Home Is Your Home.espSexLab Brawling Rape.espLockOverhaulandPerma.espPerkusMaximus_Thief.espABT - Bolts Renamed for BS and CCO.espABT - Faster Arrows Improved +50%.espDaedricCrossbow.espPick Best Arrow.espDF_Dianest.espABT - Faster Bolts Improved +50%.espDeadlyMutilation.espPost_PatchusMaximus_GiantsAIFix.espDeadlyCombat_GiantsAIFix.espSpectraverse - PerMa Compatibility Patch.espImaginator BETA.espaMidianBorn_ContentAddon.espSpectraverse - Only After Dragon Rising.espUniqueBows.espLogical Grass.espABT - Loot Arrows -50%.espZoyaFollower.espEmfy Cleric Robes.espBelkoFollower.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espEquipping Overhaul.espHikari.espABT - Merchants Arrows -50%.espSexLab Extra Voices.espToccata.espSkysan_HCShareBed.espRowana Follower.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espSunsakuka's Follower.espLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - for Pure Weather.espPureweather.esprtZuleikaFollower.espABT - Progressive Damage (BS and CCO).espABT - Recover 35% Less Arrows and Bolts.espCombat Evolved - Magic and Spells.espRewardYourFollowers.espVictoria Velina Revamped.espSexLab SexChat.espSexLab Romance.espSexLabUtil1.espSexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters.espSexLabDefeat.espSexLab_Dialogues.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.esp many thanks in advance
  6. Hello, I hope I'm posting it in the right section. I got a trouble with my archive invalidation, but not in general, the problem is rather strange one. Basically game work fine (or it did for about half the play-though) but lately I noticed that when I faster travel between 2 location far apart from each other I loose my archive validation, and all my texture mods goes bonkers (texture dynamically change to all sort of stuff; purple faces and bodies, big red squares, the lot). Strangely it only happen on the long travel, when I fast travel between location closer to each other, the game is fine. The above sometimes also happen when I walk from 1 place to another that are far apart from each ( like let say nipton to 188 trade post). I dont really know what I can do and I would appreciate some solid advises on this. thanks
  7. hello all, I have a huge problem with FNV atm, I'm trying my best to resolve it but, it seams my knowledge isnt enough to do so. I'm not an absolute beginner when it comes to modding, as I spend over 600h in skyrim with close to 250 mods installed and run the game (mostly) without hick-ups or CTD. For FNV I also use MO (as I can imagine not too) and running FNV4GB to run the game with MO. I keep getting crashes or game freeze almost constantly after sometimes not even a minute in game. Also I struggling to get archive validation working even with the MO, and I spend several hours trying to find solution for it on the net, without any luck. Here is my load order (sorted by LOOT): FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmYUP - Base Game + All DLC.esmAdvanced Recon Tech.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esmNew Vegas Redesigned 3.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmLucky38Suite_Reloaded.esmMomod.esmMore Perks.esmMore Perks for Dead Money.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmCaliber.esmCaliberXgunrunners.esmCaliberXhonesthearts.esmOONV.esmDaughters of Ares.espELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmGomorrah Redesigned.espLings.esmMikotoBeauty.esmT6M Equipment Replacer NV.esmNVWillow.espProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espMore Perks for Honest Hearts.esmoHUD.esmSexout.esmSexoutCommonResources.esmSexoutSlavery.esmShogo_Heavy_Industries.esmMore Traits.esmMore Perks for Old World Blues.esmMore Perks for Companions.esmSomeguySeries.esmWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esmwsex.esmYUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).espInterior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.espVurt's WFO.espMore Perks Update.espNVR-Minimum.espdelilah.espWeaponModsExpanded.espwsexInnuendoNPCs.espAlternative Repairing.espCass alternate version.espTheInheritance.espED-E Replacer ORIGINAL.espED-E Replacer.espWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.espCourierCacheWSE.espCompanion Sandbox Mode3.espNewVegasExtendedMapMarkers.espNewVegasBounties.espNewVegasBountiesII.espNewVegasKiller.espOONV - Override.espFirefly_guns.espMikotoBeauty.espNVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esptkEyelashesFNV.espWMX-DLCMerged.espRHINO-M1.espCAGE by Dracomies v2.esp1CazyTestEsp.espAdvanced Recon Armor.espAdvanced Recon Desert Ranger Helmet.espNCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).espAdvanced Recon Gear.espAdvanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.espAdvanced Recon Tech.espColossus T49.espAdvanced Recon Tech - Colossus T49.espAlternative Repairing - Breakdown Item Icons.espAlternative Repairing - Ultimate Edition.espbzBodySuits.espCASM with MCM.espCONELRAD 640-1240.espDarNifiedUINV.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.espDead Silence.espDEagle.espED-E Replacer Sexout Options.espFalloutNV_lang.espFlashlightNVSE.espFP gun follows crosshairs.espILO - PipBoy Light.espRHINO-M3.espKriss.espbzArmour.espMax Level 255.espMaxFollowers12.espMNK-RHINOgaussRevolver.espMojaveDelight.espMore Perks for Companions Update.espMore Perks for Dead Money Update.espMore Traits Update.espMore Perks for Honest Hearts Update.espMore Perks for Old World Blues Update.espPA Footsteps.esppipboy2500_edisleado.espProject Nevada - Dead Money.espProject Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.espProject Nevada - Honest Hearts.espProject Nevada - Lonesome Road.espProject Nevada - Old World Blues.espProject Nevada - T49XV Patch.espProject Nevada - WMX.espSexoutSCRDebug.espSexoutWillow.espSexoutZAZ.espT6M Combat Uniform NV.espT6M Lingerie NV.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espType 6.espUnlimitedCompanions.espWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.CaliberX4+.Patch.espWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.espWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.espWMX-ArenovalisTextures.espwsexInnuendoAnims.espFNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - ENB Full.espNew Vegas Redesigned 3.espmy merge patch.esp well, I dont know what I could post here, but if something else is needed let me know. Thanks for help
  8. Hi all, First a bit of riff ruff ;) We all love guns, right ? heck they are one of the most important aspect of the game. As much as I like to shoot lasers and plasma i do like to pull the trigger on a classic gun. And when it comes to guns I do enjoy a powerful pistol to deal with my enemies close and personal. The problem is that end game wise there there aren't much choice (I'm looking at you hunting revolver). Now thanks to some very talented modders there is a bigger choice but still nothing in comparison of power to a really good rifle. So getting to the point, if you love big pistols you are using desert eagle or magnum but what if you could have the new magnum ? a better magnum? more powerful magnum ? heck why not, all we need is one talented and willing person to make this dream come true. a the dream is: A .50 cal magnum which will u dont pick up u lift it! biggest, baddest magnum ever made, and its real ! here is the link to the gun: http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_765788_-1_775664_775655_757896_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_%26_Wesson_Model_500 also a link to how they look like with a living person in comparison :) I imagine in game to be a true monster. hefty gun with a lot of weight and a knockback that almost blows your arm off. If someone could make this happen I would be in heaven :)
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