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    Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic II, Monster Hunter

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  1. Thanks for the reply, but for some reason I managed to find out why I was stuttering. Apparently it was the 3 esps for Bethesda hi-res dlc, once I disabled them and added their BSA to the skyrim.ini archive it stopped. Huh..
  2. Okay, I got the classic case of stuttering in my skyrim game and no matter what I do I can't seem to fix it. FPS limit, fixes, ini tweaks, etc., and still natha, I still stutter like crazy. I just started playing Skyrim again and reinstall it in my PC and that was like a wk ago. I never have this problem before, it was always minor but not to the point of it being unplayable. Although it seems to be stituational, in certain areas like Dawnstar, Windhelm, and Riften I stutter, and it always outside, near cities or in. It doesn't stutter when I move, but only when I move the mouse and it is very fustrating. It seems to happen to only my save file though I haven't tested it extensively, but I don't want to start all over again. Help? Edit: I am using a AMD RadeonHD 5570 and my FPS in Skyrim is good, around 40-60fps outside and over 50fps inside depending on the lighting.
  3. Ezrion remember that EVERYONE has different experiences and opinions, don't be close-minded aka. Your opinion rules all, now I'm not saying you are I am simply just stating. EXAMPLE: One guy might find that rolling down a hill and then landing on a steel hard box with the back of the head first might think thats fun or painful idk. (True story, now who did that happen to I wonder..)
  4. This dlc is probably as way to compensate for the console players not being able to have their own mods or can't mods that do that, guys remember Skyrim isn't just for PC, I think this DLC is nice, you shouldn't be too surprised or mad since they did sumthing like to Oblivion. Just thank Bethesda is better than the horse armor mod. In all honesty though, just hope we have more than one type of land or more house style :sad:
  5. Aw shoot! I forgot that, my excuse would be is that this post is a modern gen post or watever :whistling: Don't worry i'll add a new poll option (yet again :facepalm: ) I cater to all people!, except trolls, ignorant ppl, ar*eholes, and ppl I don't like! Just wished I added all these new options in the beginning... and the title is redundant now I think about it..
  6. How is that preposterous? This ain't no Red Dead Redemption or GTAIV, you DID that, its your own fault, don't go saying its bad or bethesda sux because you and ONLY you did that. How they ruined Skyrim? Please explained that to me and it also sounds like you never played Morrowind, Bethesda may be in the sh*t yes, but their games are playable if you are careful, and why are they a joke?
  7. I'll doubt you'll regret it, I just recently played and finished my latest FO3 playthrough (Cause I was feeling nostalgic after playing Skyrim for awhile) and it was still refreshing and original each time. I also realized that the combat was a lot more fun in FO3, maybe cause I have keep using cover ;D But it was also a reeal long time since I played it, so I forgot how f***ed it was :sad: Always did enjoyed a post-apocalyptic setting, its always interesting to see how the aftermath is.. plus its dark! :biggrin:
  8. Allegiance: Imperial (I respect the Stormcloaks values of freedom and.. independence but their racism got me) Skyrim Race: Breton or Dunmer (Mostly Breton, playing a human feels more sense) IRL Gender: Male IRL Age: At least 15 :wink: Location: United States of America Favorite subject in school/uni major: Criminal Justice IRL Political affiliation: I uhh... think I'm Liberal? Play/Combat style: Rogue/Mage Blades or Paarthurnax: Parrthurnax Guilds joined: All, prefer Thieves Guild and College of Winterhold Opinion on the Daedra: They are practically much as evil as say.. fire? Their presence, in a way, is both positive and negative, in general I'm ambivalence on them Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? Indie New Vegas, I strongly support the ideals of freedom and individuality
  9. Great replys! I added in a Oblivion option, didn't quite realized sum ppl still prefer that game at the time :whistling: As a side-note Oblivion was very special to me, since it was my first real open-world game that I played, wish I could experience seeing the IC in the distant the first time again :wink:
  10. Alright, like the title said, which game do you prefer Fallout 3/NV or Skyrim? If you prefer that game list why and why you don't prefer the other, etc, etc.. Personally for me I prefer Fallout 3, it was dark, gritty and overall the most F***ed up game I ever played, it was rather depressing to be honest :sad: (PS: Don't know if there was a similar one and I apologize if there is.)
  11. Yea I know, I went to the Creation Kit and fixed it or atleast for me anyways. Right now I'll tried to see if I can disable the whole skintone change effect but I'm just not simply in the mood.
  12. Huh, I really like it, like reading a book or something ;) Keep it up and don't be discouraged!
  13. What kind of ENB? Would like to try it out myself :happy:
  14. Dawnguard will conflict SOME mods, but for the most part its fine, you gotta watch out for the mods that effect weather, overhuals, realism etc. Because those are the likely ones (Make sure to go the mods page for known issue if you're not sure) NO IT WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR PROGRESS, Dawnguard is essentially one big giant mod :D But if you want to fully complete Dawnguard, make sure you're almost there to finishing the MQ, Dawnguard needs a rather important item from it! Hope that helps!
  15. Perhaps you are thinking too hard, you will always get the dual-cast spell effects, you don't even have to "charged" it up. And also to the flame cloak thing...it just lasts more longer when you dual cast it than when you single cast it.
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