a few ideas: Statis Shock Due to long rest in statis, your body is completely healed, limbs restored, purged of radiation, and chem addictions removed. For the next X hours, your endurance is increased and enemies cannot critical against you, but due to a foggy head your perception and intelligence suffer and you cannot critical against enemies. Alien Dreams Due to the odd effect of the statis chamber, you have been dreaming in an alien language. Your speech skill is reduced to zero and you cannot communicate with anyone for X hours. You see the world differently though, and your Science and Energy Weapons skills are increased to 100 during this time. Sleep of Rip Van Winkle A random amount of time has passed (could be hours, days, weeks). If you slept for a short time (<24 hours), the effects are as for normal sleep (including Well Rested effect). If you sleep longer, you are purged of radiation, chem addictions, etc., however your muscles may atrophy. For each full week spent you lose 1 strength and 1 agility, but you gain 1 intelligence and 1 charisma. Nano Nano While in stasis, nanobots have been repairing and maintaining your body. However, they were confused about the armor you were wearing at the time, and although it has been repaired and improved (full cond, higher health and DR), it has been fused to your body and you can no longer remove it. (Maybe Pinkerton would know how....)