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Everything posted by sunici

  1. I've often wondered the same. I've always wanted to be able to detonate mines via a radio control, since they don't always go off when I want them to. I've also wanted to be able to pull the stunt that nut job in Seward Square East did and trigger several well-placed mini-nukes at once.
  2. I actually had the thought he might be involved in the Church of the Atom, particularly the way he acts once the bomb is detonated. In some sense, he's done them all the favor. Maybe he only took a sip of the Kool-Aid instead of the whole glass.
  3. a few ideas: Statis Shock Due to long rest in statis, your body is completely healed, limbs restored, purged of radiation, and chem addictions removed. For the next X hours, your endurance is increased and enemies cannot critical against you, but due to a foggy head your perception and intelligence suffer and you cannot critical against enemies. Alien Dreams Due to the odd effect of the statis chamber, you have been dreaming in an alien language. Your speech skill is reduced to zero and you cannot communicate with anyone for X hours. You see the world differently though, and your Science and Energy Weapons skills are increased to 100 during this time. Sleep of Rip Van Winkle A random amount of time has passed (could be hours, days, weeks). If you slept for a short time (<24 hours), the effects are as for normal sleep (including Well Rested effect). If you sleep longer, you are purged of radiation, chem addictions, etc., however your muscles may atrophy. For each full week spent you lose 1 strength and 1 agility, but you gain 1 intelligence and 1 charisma. Nano Nano While in stasis, nanobots have been repairing and maintaining your body. However, they were confused about the armor you were wearing at the time, and although it has been repaired and improved (full cond, higher health and DR), it has been fused to your body and you can no longer remove it. (Maybe Pinkerton would know how....)
  4. I'm surprised I haven't seen this mod request before. I'd like to see The Greenbrier and bunker done up as a mod. For those who aren't aware (and don't want to google it), The Greenbrier is a big resort with a formerly secret underground bunker designed to house the Government during a major war. I started to work on this myself, but the project is bigger than I am, and GECK has a tendency to crash regularly on my computer. Thoughts: The resort is collapsed but the bunker is intact. The bunker is modernized (to just before prewar). The bunker remains sealed. It is a quest to open it. The bunker was populated by a majority of Congress and their families, but somehow the executive and judicial branches never made it there. The descendants still believe they are in control of the U.S. and continue to broadcast their speeches and proceedings through a radio tower which has long since lost its power. 200+ years of politician descendants have created a ridiculous society of rules, exceptions, and reality denial. For example, they have divided the bunker up into arbitrary districts and they argue over things like light bulb replacement schedules, lavatory taxes, and organization of the broom closet.
  5. I'm trying to put a condition on a terminal menu item so that it only displays if the player has at least X amount of caps. I've tried GetGold, setting the run-on to Subject, Target, Combat Target, and Linked Reference, but none of them work. I've also tried GetItemCount Caps001 with the same targets and it still doesn't work. If I try to set the run-on to Reference, it wants a game-world object reference. Any ideas?
  6. I was just going with the typical cat behavior in that they don't take commands.
  7. I know it would be a lot of work for graphics, but I'd love to see a house cat companion. Damage would be minimal, but it'd have very high perception and would be marked essential (since they have 9 lives...or 18 half-lives as the joke goes). Commands? None, really. It follows you around, but does whatever it wants. Good kitty: purrrrr. Bad kitty: hissss.
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