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Everything posted by timota21

  1. Well I found two files that looked promising. PlayerAbilityManager.ws and geralt_skills.xml. In the first there are the functions that determine whether or not you can learn a skill, and exactly how adding a skill goes down. I commented out sections referencing skill.maxLevel, put that in a new mod, and started up the game. It didn't work unfortunately. The game still stopped me from adding more points to skills that were maxed. The second file has the definitions of all the skills you can learn, including a field called maxLevel. I doubled all the maxLevels. At first I noticed nothing, everything still was set to max level 5 or 3 or whatever. But then I realized that the skills are probably loaded from the xml file on the creation of a new player entity, ie a new game, and so loading a game will not get the new values from the xml. Also, I should just generally test things on new games anyways. lol. Upon starting a new game, everything was as expected. I used the console to add points, and everything leveled as expected as well. If someone would like me to upload my mod, I will be glad to. It is unfortunate that a new game is required though. I'd look for a way around it, like forcing it to re-load geralt_skills.xml, but, my main save got corrupted anyhow and so started fresh isn't a big deal to me.
  2. I noticed through my time playing the game that many abilities will continue to grant bonus beyond their cap. For instance, Muscle Memory will continue to confer +5% quick attack damage and +1% adren gain after you max it at 5/5. I was wondering if a modder could increase these caps to allow for even more specific builds, New Game+ characters, god like power, etc. I've looked through some of the files to create this mod myself but I honestly don't even know where to start.
  3. Along with your suggsetion and the other about inis, my game now runs. It actually worked fine without reactivating uHud but I had crashes now and again (like an average of one every 45 min to and hour which is almost miraculous for this game lol). After uHud, no crashes in 3 hours. :D Thank you guys so much! Also, a note to anyone who might have moved their steam installation. This probably goes without saying but you should reinstall all your mods to ensure that no data was lost when your steamapps folder is copied back in. I think this happened to me in addition to Darns UI ini tweaks causing issues. fairly simple to do, but tedious. Its very easy with FOMM.
  4. Bump. There has to be someone who can help me with this.
  5. Have you tried running the game in windowed mode? Some people report a near elimination of crashes. There is also a mod on the nexus that will make windowed mode look fullscreen if using windowed mode works. I would reccomend testing it without the mod first though, to see if it will even do anything. Fake Fullscreen mod: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41381
  6. Go to your documents folder, and there should be a folder named FOMM. Open and there should be a crashdump.txt. Post the contents here and we might be able to puzzle through your problem.
  7. I don't believe Wrye Flash has .EXE. That is something that was added to Wyre Bash for oblivion. At the OP, have you moved your Fallout directory recently? I know Wyre Flash says its best to move out of program files. If you have, you need to reinstall Fallout to update your install path registry. I know a lot of utilities use that registry to find Fallout (i'm not sure if wyre bash does though).
  8. It would be helpful to list your load order. There may be another mod causing the problem. Also, I'm sure you did this lol, make sure you are not wearing any legion armor. Check your pipboy to make sure you are really villified. The mod may kept everything nuetral after deactivation, so you might just need to go kill a few Legion scum to get back in their bad graces. :) Another thing to try, is to start a new game. If you don't want it take a long time you can Toggle god mode, make yourself super fast and run to the first place you meet the Legion. Kill Vulpes and his henchmen, then proceed north to that Legion Camp with the slaves you can free. If those guys don't attack you, then it is another mod causing problems. You could also try raising your rep with the legion using the console (I think you can at least). Then lowering it back down 0. There are all just random things I thought up. I and others will only really be able to help if you post that load order. :)
  9. You should try loading your mods with FNVEdit and see if it finds any problems. If you are missing a master, it will tell you which one. Also, you can use it fix conflicts between mods that may also be causing issues. Also, you cannot use WME and WMX at the same time. They are not compatible. I don't think it will cause CTDs on start up but anything is worth a look see in my experiance with this game.
  10. First things first. Here is my load order Total active plugins: 60 Total plugins: 138 Here is the info on the bashed patch: (I had it merge all mergable files, FormID lists, Weapon Modifications, and leveled lists) Records Changed: 735 Masters: Utilities I use: Fallout 4gb enabler FOMM FNVEdit Wyre Flash Fallout Fullscreen Fix NVSE Other important notes: Recently moved steam from C:/Program Files to C:/Games Reinstalled Fallout New Vegas after move (I noticed all my mods stayed intact. Or so it seems...) Validated files So I checked in FNVEdit and Wyre Flash, and there are no masters out of order. I validated the local files. But nothing seems to have worked. I deactivated the bashed patch and still CTD on start-up at Bethsoft screen. I tried running, with all the mods above, Fallout Fullscreen, 4gb loader, NVSE loader, and finally just the regular ol' FNVLauncher but nothing worked. Here is the real scary part. I also did that with everything disabled except Fallout.esm and got the same results. That shouldn't happen with a fresh install like mine. And just to throw a screw in all of that, I took a break from typing this post to go eat dinner, came back, and without thinking, launched FNV Fullscreen and it worked! Closed out (cause I realized the fresh install reset the inis and as such Darn's UI fonts were a little messed up), edited the inis, and the problem returned. I have no idea why this is happening and appealing to the experts here for help. My moderate knowlege is not adaquete. haha :sweat:
  11. Are you running any mods? It would help if you post your load order as well.
  12. I am so friggin dumb... I seriously should stamp n00bl3t to my forehead. Since I have a HP laptop, I have two chipsets. The mobile integrated crap, and my above average Radeon 6770M. Unless I specify MANUALLY that I want FONV to run at high performance (ie fully utilize my 6770M), it will run in default mode (ie utilize the mobile integrated crap). So I figured out how to do that, and my framerate on low tripled! So now I'm gonna try on higher settings and see what happens. Average FPS on Ultra Settings... *sigh*... 50 fps!!!! Wow, this fix (in conjuction with the 4gb loader) has made Fallout NV play like a dream! I can't believe it was that simple, sitting on my desktop the whole time.
  13. It would seem that this temp falls in the normal range for my laptop. I wish I would have just bought a desktop for gaming. And and crap laptop for carrying around when I need it. I do know that lowering draw distances increase frame rate, but the draw distances on Medium settings are very modest and I'm still under reccomended FPS for smooth gameplay. If Skyrim is this unoptimized... Then I won't buy it. :P
  14. It said my avergae temp was 46 degrees C (or about 110 degrees F). Which is pretty hot I would assume. Can this adversely affect performance?
  15. Where would I find these options? Edit: I found them. About to do a test run. See if there is any improvment. Side note: I just downloaded the Mafia 2 demo. I could run it on high at about 35 fps, which is very playable. I can only achieve that performance on Fallout NV on lower than low settings. :,( You make me cry Bethesda and Obsidian.
  16. I'll try that. But I doubt it'll find anything. I bought my pavilion about 6 days ago. Maybe Fallout NV is just too unoptimized to run smoothly on my setup. Oh well, that is the risk with laptops.
  17. Merged patches fix conflicts between mods. In that sense, they merge the mods together so that conflicting lists and the like become one list that allows the mods the work nicely toghether. To combine six mods, I think you can just load them all up in the geck, and save an esp and that will have all the effects on one esp. But I can't remember if this will make the new esp become dependant on the other 6 as masters, which would defeat the purpose totally. You might just have to create an esp from scratch and merticulously copy each change into it. I'm sure there's a easier way though. I know I did this in FO3 but I don't remember how.
  18. I am using gamebooster. I forgot to mention that. And the averages are posted are with only the Fallout.Esm checked. Adding mods makes it much worse. I feel like I should be able to run this game flawlessly on Medium and with minimal stutter on High. According to notebookcheck.net, the average framerate for laptops with my graphics card for Crysis 2 on High is 41 and 19 on Ultra high. Seeing this is just adding to my confusion.
  19. Average Frame rates: Low: 35 Medium: 25 High: 19 Ulrta: 10 Note: To test this I ran from Goodsprings to NCR Outpost and back. So these average represent a relatively calm area of New Vegas. I'm at wits end. I've tried everything I can think of. I did hours of seraching and researching but to no avail. But, alas, I don't have much experiance in the way of optimizing games, so I'm turning to this community for help. I've tried: Fallout 4GB launcher D3D9Gen and ATI d3d9 fixes Fallout Stutter Remover Fallout Configator Performance Options (threading, delete uneeded cells on fast travel, etc) Enabling Tripple Buffering Disabling Vsync Nothing provided any significant boost on its own. Collectively, these modifications added about 3-6 frames across the board. Which helps, but the game is still annoyingly stuttery and hitchy on medium quality in densely populated areas, and this is compounded by essential mods like IWS and Project Nevada. Not to mention, the game isn't a sight for sore eyes on low and medium. My system specs: HP Pavilion d7 Notebook PC (64 bit Operating system) IntelĀ® Core i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00 GHz 8gb RAM Radeon HD 6770 graphics card I feel like my new 2011 laptop should be able to kick Fallout NV's ass on the lowest settings... but, its only barely smooth.Maybe I just think my computer is better than it really is. I'm not sure. But that's why I'm posting this thread. I would really, really appreciate any help.
  20. Haha. I like the name. Thanks for the tip about animtype. That might come in handy. Is there a actorIsRunning function? I know there is one to see if they are moving but that includes walking. And I guess another problem would be for the realists out there, it doesn't really make sense to knock someone down with a combat knife.
  21. Dang, that sucks. I can't use FOSE. Stupid D2D
  22. Bump Againg. I'm a persistent one lol.
  23. BUMP. Someone must know something that can help...
  24. So, as you may I have guessed, I would like to add a perk to FO3. The perk would allow you to knock down enemies with melee weapons if you were running at them. This would not be a 100% successful everytime of course. I know how the victory rifel does it, but that wouldn't work here. I can't just give every melee weapon a script, especially since some already have them. Of course I could just add the code into those scripts, but that is just bad modding lol. So, I was wondering if there was a way to apply an effect to a weapon without adding a script to that individual weapon. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Edit: After looking through the geck real quick, it appears that only two melee weapons don't have scripts. The two from that black and white quest. So I could just create a script that checks if the player is running, and has this perk, but there must still be a more "eloquent" way of doing this. I don't like brute forcing things.
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