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About JDean1940

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  1. The Perk Card for 'Gunsmith 5' says, Guns break 50% slower and you can craft Tier 5 guns. Is this only a Crafting Perk? Or is it required to be equipped to get the 'break 50% slower' benefit. Effectively, guns 'wear' as you fire them and ultimately the wear causes them to break. This is an 'ablative' property; when the base amount of 'wear' is accumulated the gun is broken. (a) If Gunsmith is only a Crafting Perk, the base amount of wear is 150% higher when you craft the gun; therefore you will get an extra 50% of wear before it breaks. (b) If the 'Guns break slower' part of the Gunsmith definition refers to an 'Operational' Perk, then that would mean the 'wear per shot' is reduced to give the extra 50% of serviceable life... but only if the card is equipped while you are firing the gun. Does anyone here know which of these is how the Perk works? I actually have the same question for the Armorer Perk and for the Power Smith Perk. Does anyone here know, for certain, if these are only Crafting Perks; or if they are also Operational Perks?
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