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Playthrough continuation mod?


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Hello, I'm sort of new to the mod community but I'm wondering if there is someone that knows of a mod like this or that can make this mod. So, I was thinking last night about an idea for a mod: What if you play the game as your normal first character, but when they die, they permanently die. BUT, you start over as a new character with reset stats and everything. It gives you all the character creation menus again and you make a new character. And if you had completed any quests or anything, they would be reset and maybe you could access them again by going back to where your previous character died and find a note or journal marking where they left off and you could continue from there. Along with the journal for retrieving quests again, you could also loot the armor, weapons, etc. that you died with before. I know it requires a lot of scripting and other stuff, but if you're willing to take up the task, I'd be willing to support you in any way I can. Or if you know of any combination of mods that can do this, let me know but so far I haven't found one.


If you want to talk personally about it, my email is: [email protected]


Do be warned that if you do send me an email, I may not see it because I dont check there very often. Anyways, thanks!

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Well resetting a char like that requires a lot of scripting as you then need to delete everything that tyhe player have done and you need to check what the player are able to do in game and it will require a lot of work that will give nothing in return when we just can push the NEW game button. Some mods can revive the char though so you can continue from where you are without loading an old save. Things you cant reset are quest stages if they are not set to be able to run multiple times so resetting the quests is impossible as far as I know.


I honestly think that there should be more constructive mods you should try to make instead and my request to you now is to make me a new dungeon instead. This guide is more basic though :) I need more dungeons... ;)

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