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Blurred...Faces? Skeleton? Female Faces all jacked...


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I don't know...one day I woke up and they were like this. I had manually installed a texture (For children, to make them look less...less something). I can't find the mod now considering I cleaned out my computer to fix CTD's (Lol...) thinking it'd help, but that's a different story. What the hell is wrong here? Note, every woman has this in the light, Saphire has them ALWAYS, it makes her face unrecognizable.

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Umm...I think I'm using Better Females by Bella - Less Makeup Version...but I have a few face mods enabled, I tried to mess around with them and maps but it doesn't seem to wanna work. I also recently used "Nidia's Face..."something for kids, maybe that was it?

It's an issue with the specular map (femalehead_s.dds). What face mod are you using?

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Do you use CBBE? This issue is a known one for those who use TexBlendLite on Bella's face textures, and for the face mods where the spec map is much larger than normal.


Q14: After using TexBlend, my character's face has large white/shiny blocky areas. How do I fix this?
A1: Disable compression in the texblend/setdefs/basehead.xml file. Look for the female head specular map and set <compresstex> from 1 to 0. (it's on line 35). Then reinstall the mod's head textures, and reapply texblend.
A2: Go to your Skyrim/Data/Textures/actors/character/female folder and delete femalehead_s.dds. It's not ideal, but it should fix the issue. The femalehead_s.dds is the 'specular map', which controls how shiny or dull a face texture is. For a very small number of people, using TexBlend causes it to become buggy.
A3: For some people, a total reinstall of CBBE and the head texture of your choice fixes it.
A4: Usually this occurs with Bella's face texture #3. One user has said installing the 'no shine' option from that mod fixes it.

Edited by Jeir
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Omg thank you so much! Everything is back to normal now thanks to you!


I skipped the first two answers due to me never using Texblend, I reinstalled CBBE and then applied the 'no shine' from Bella's optional files and it worked, not sure which step though, but it's all the same to me. Thanks alot!

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