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Shijima (stealth mage), Xavier (kinetic mage), Ra (khajiit), Cocidius (nord), Los Zeta (khajiit), Poseidon (argonian), Sphynx (khajiit), Chronos (time mage)

they all have some meaning or connotation related to their character. thats what i do with names

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I usually play as Harald Pendragon. I know it's not lore friendly, but I don't care how the name got to Tamriel. In my mind, it's there now. I usually think of him as a Nord whose family has lived outside Skyrim for a long time. The Pendragon name is a nod to his dragon blood.

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Your characters name first and foremost would reflect your characters cultural background rather then race. Brand-Shei is a dunmer merchant in Riften raised by argonians so they gave him an argonian name, thou I got no idea what it means.

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