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Dawnguard Continuation (Spoiler Alert if haven't finished DG quest


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Unless I missed something, when I completed the Dawnguard side of Dawnguard after taking down Harkon, basically there was no reason to revisit Fort Dawnguard, other than a radiant quest to take down another "traveler." Everyone just gives you a pat on the back and doesn't offer any further dialogue options, and as such you loose out on several vendors (Gunmar, Sorine, Florentious, etc) to buy and sell, and a couple of master trainers (Isran for Heavy, Sorine for Archery.) Even Isran is still in denial that we "won."


Is this by design? Are there plug-ins that at least allow you to continue to do trade and train after completing this side of the quest? Does the unofficial dawnguard patch address this? I didn't see this in the UDGP release notes, and was leery of just installing due to a heavy number of plugins I already have installed.

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Bethesda is known to just drop the ball on you when it comes to Hyped up Quests, take the Aetherium Forge for instance, you do all the things and get the Pieces just to end up with Nothing but 1 of 3 things you can Obtain, even the Skyrim MQ is Lame for a God Like Alduin Devourer of the World thats nothing more then a Regular Dragon.

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