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Need help on how to trigger these scripts


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Watch out, some spoilers here!


Ways to trigger these scripts, without activating/completing the quests;
Upon the start of 'A blade in the dark'; Alduin will begin to revive dragons from their burial mounds
scattered across Skyrim.
Upon the start of 'The horn of jurgen windcaller'; With the Dragonborn expansion, cultists will begin to
track you down.
Upon completion of 'The way of the voice'; Gain access to the main quest of the Dragonborn expansion.
Additionally, I am using a mod that disables random dragon spawns, What i'm looking for now is way to enable
spawns of the dragons that guard the Word-Walls, As they do not appear until you've advanced somewhere into
the main quest. Haven't been able to find the script that triggers that.
As to the why of all this, Solely for the sake of rping.
My thanks for any and all advice given.
Edited by MaanLook
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