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Lighting after dark (bug?)


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I've noticed an annoying problem with the light in skyrim. It isn't that noticeable, but once I saw I couldn't ignore it. When I walk around at night it seems like the brightness is turned up and down. It is very noticeable when I pass a lantern the brightness or the ambient light is turned up. Not just near the light source, but in the far distance too. As soon as I pass the light source and my back is turned to it it gets dark again, even though I'm still near it. The same effect is also there when i get in and out of shadows or when the sky is visible, but I don't mind that as much as it looks more realistic. Of cause I'm using some darker nights mods, which makes the problem stand out.


Mods that I'm using, which might affect this. I have tried fiddling with these by unistalling or using other mods and presets with no result:

Climates of Tamriel

Enhanced Shaders and Fx ENB

Lanterns of Skyrim

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Eye Adaptation issue....


Try this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8149/


load after Climates of Tamriel


Cant say how it will work with your ENB tho... ENB has its own Eye Adaptation... if it doesnt fix it you might have to drop that ENB altogether if you dont like it... or if you're a bit savvy can open enbeffect.fx file in notepad and fiddle with the settings


That ENB you use is quite a bit old tho (March 2012)

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