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making character from a PSX disk


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Hello all,

I'm trying to make plugins using characters from PSX games. All of the games are legally purchased and such. The problem I'm encountering, however, is that I can't seem to extract the models (.TMD) correctly from the PSX disks. I got a TMD ripper and the 3dsmax plugin to import the tmd files but I have not been able to test the plugin since everytime i rip a model from the disk it comes up blank.

Has anyone had any success in the past with doing this? I figure it shouldn't be too hard:


1. rip model from disk.

2. import to 3dsmax

3. retexture and export to .nif

4. build plugin with TES:CS


If I'm wrong in my assumptions I welcome a correction as it seems the fastest way to do this (at the rate I'm going anyway <_< ) would be to create the characters from scratch.


The tools i'm using are:


ImportCGF (the import plugin for 3ds4)

TMD_RIP (for ripping the tmd files from the PSX disk)


any help would be appreciated.

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I agree with DOTR.


Ontopic: I don't think it's "legal" to do this. Even if you don't tell anyone, I suggest you just model them yourself, or get someone else to.


Ripping models from a PSX game onto the PC, then making them work in Morrowind sounds a little too unreasonable.


Also, waiting four hours isn't exactly enough time for someone to give you a good response ;P



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You have 3DsMax..... Why not make the models yourself?

there's no way for me to say this without sounding like a loser so i'll just say it:


A. i'm not very good with max yet so i'm trying to do it the "easy" way. :blush:


B. I've pulled sprites from games before (my link icon) and I see the PSX models as a challenge. :D

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if no one has pulled PSX models before does anyone know where i might check? maybe (dare i say :ph34r: ) another forum? or maybe a tutorial site? i've seen some vague stuff on a few emulation and homebrew developer sites but nothing very detailed. :help:


EDIT: jftr - if anyone knows of a specific hardware/software limitation/issue that would prevent me from accomplishing this i welcome the info.

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