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FPS drops significantly in major cities, especially Solitude


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Hi, could anyone help me with this issue? I have a GTX 560ti, AMD FX-8150 4.2GHz, and 4x4GB DDR3 RAM and i run everything on the highest graphics settings Skyrim goes up to. Now, I usually get a constant 60 FPS everywhere, but when I go to a major city, it drops to about 30-45. So I tried tuning down the texture and samples, still FPS drop in major cities...Can anyone help me with this please?

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Skyrim is buggy by nature, and its engine's primitive. Due to the engine being CPU-intensive, expect drops in performance in cities. An idea would be to see if your VRAM threshold is being hit, usually it is the case in terms of framerate drop. As well, try not to use Shadow Quality on ULTRA in your Skyrim Launcher..... set it to HIGH instead.


An idea would be to use mods that decrease load on the computer, namely major mods that fixes bugs, errors, scripts, etc.... such as the Unofficial Skyrim patches. This helps a lot in rendering.

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Can you post your BOSS log (copy paste txt version, enclose in spoiler tags)

Also you Prefs.ini if you have made changes there, and your graphics settings, both the game's graphics settings and if you made any changes to graphics on your driver's game profile.

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