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Remove the GPS: No player centering on map.


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Is there a mod to keep the map from always player-centering on startup?


I just tried out the Compass Tuner mod. I'm currently running iHUD to get rid of the compass and Frostfall to disable fast travel and waiting. It's nice when I have to actually plan out where I'm going and use road signs to lead me. But I wanted to get rid of the map cursor that basically just ruins it. Found Compass Tuner, which can remove player's location marker on map, BUT... the map always centers on my location ANYWAY when I open it. So all I've really eliminated is the directional info. I still see where I am on the map. I can assure you. No one. In Skyrim. Has GPS. I don't mind quest and some location markers. Any real map would have that. But I should still have to guess where I am. The map should open up to the last place I was looking at when I last used the map.


Also, I'm interested in removing location marker placement ON DISCOVERY. If an NPC TELLS me where something is on a map, that's totally fine. But I shouldn't know where a fort is immediately upon waltzing into it. Is there a mod for custom map creation? Basically, is there a mod that allows a player to mark any place on a map with any icon and title? Such that when I find a place, I decide where it is based on my best guest? I feel like this second paragraph should technically be put under another thread title. I might make a second post, but I'll wait and see what people say here.

Edited by EagleOrion
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  • 3 weeks later...

Way back when I was first trying to build an immersive Skyrim mod list I managed to stumble onto a mod that made it so that whenever you opened the map, it started focused on Riverwood. So effectively it prevented the map from giving away your position. I'll be damned if I can find it again though. =/


As for the discovery thing, I think that'd be a bit of an undertaking. It's one thing to prevent the map from ever being updated (easy enough) but harder to be selective about how and when it updates. I'd definitely be interested in that behavior, though.

What I'd really like to see is a system where you can place your own markers. So if you discover something you can take a look at the surroundings, try to make a good guess of where the location is, and make a semi-permanent marker for it. A marker which very well could be wrong if your guess was bad. I'd love something like that.

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Yeah i have this problem as well constantly. I havent tried out Halendia's post yet but ill get back to you when i have the time to look this up.

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This one maybe? It was a long time since I used it, but I think it might be what you want?


That mod doesn't really change map functionality, it just makes some (good) changes to the map UI to make it, well, prettier. Smaller icons etc.

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This one maybe? It was a long time since I used it, but I think it might be what you want?


That mod doesn't really change map functionality, it just makes some (good) changes to the map UI to make it, well, prettier. Smaller icons etc.


Maybe, maybe not. I remember the reason I quit using it was because I couldn't ever find where I was (I'm smart like that, durrp). Might have been something else causing it. This one is just what came first to mind.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

For anyone that finds this topic through Google like i did - here is a mod that removes the player map marker and player centering on the map. Make sure you install it correctly, as there are some .ini files that need to be edited. Enjoy.


That mod shows up in Google/mod searches pretty readily. The problem is that that is not the Vanilla map. I think we're all looking for such a change for the vanilla map.

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  • 1 year later...

If you want to use the no GPS mod then you have to have dawnguard. I don't have dawnguard so what I do instead is use compass tuner to turn off current location then instead of opening the map with the m key I open it by pressing the J key and then the M key so the map centers on a quest instead of your location.

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