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How to reduce rain frequency ?(make it rain less)


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  • 9 months later...

Here comes the necromancer...


Found anything yet?


Edit: SOLVED (to avoid the questions scroll to SOLUTION)


The screenshot grimybunny posted is the view I get with Skyrim.esm loaded, so this should be the default situation - but how does weather work then?

I found all those weather types in the "World Data/Weather"-tab, but most have zero users. The only users of any fog type for example are both "chargen fx" triggers.

I would be much obliged if somebody could advance my understanding of weather in Skyrim.


Thank you very much in advance.


P.S. I did read the CK manual on weather and climate, but it doesn't help me either. Their example is the Skyrim default climate, which lists only the Skyrim cloudy weather. As far as the manual goes a weather either has precipitation or it doesn't. If it doesn't have precipitation the related sliders are zero. Non-zero otherwise.

But what about fog? Is it the color box that controls the presence/absence of fog?

And where is the actual weather control?

As said before the default climates only list 1 weather at 100% and this is not what I expereince in game - my weathers change.





The actual weather is controlled elsewhere.

In the World/Regions tab, when you call a region you scroll through its entries until you find entries with names beginning Weather...something. ONLY those contain the controls for changing weather.

They also control an "override" control - I would think this is the percentage to not apply the default weather for the climate, but the specific weather for the region.


Well hidden and not integrated into the "use info"-system.


So now finally I can make weather like in the Swiss Alps - crisp and clear. No more f*** fog. Anybody up for making me a skiing mod?

Edited by trollpo
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