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Akavir, the Isle of the true Blades


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I'm searching for some really good modders!

I want to make the continent of Akavir the place where the forefathers of the argonians came from: The Akvir

I really don't know anything about modding but i hope some modders which can make landscapes, quests, characters, magic and much more will help me to get Akavir back to Nirn.

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I am actually working on this. Creating the enviorment shouldn't be the hard part though, since I'm actually pretty good at that imo, but quests, voiceactors, characters, and not just get there by boat in one way is the hard part. Also using unique animals, but I'm sure some modder will help me in the future if I ever get this off the ground.


I was working on one which would be one of the Isles of Akavirian continent where I'd make a new race that looks like Khajiit (with new textures) and give the unique voice etc. These would be called Ka Po' Tun. I'd also include a prison and slaves of races of Tamriel who'd end up at Akavir.

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If this mod does off the ground, it would be kind of cool if you, and the people helping you, could create a quest that involves finding and saving the Nerevarine. The rumor is the Nerevarine went to Akavir and never returned, maybe he was captured. Maybe there are rumors of someone wielding Trueflame that isn't the Nerevarine. We find who is using the sword, talk to him, question him to find out where Nerevarine is, fight/kill him, and then look for the Nerevarine with that given information. Just a thought.

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Funny, I was just gonna create the same topic, but decided to search forum in case it has already been discussed and found this thread.


Akavir is not actually an island, it's a continent and its size is comparable with Tamriel. Therefore, it seems reasonable to create not the whole continent but one of the provinces. There are four of them - Tsaesci, Kamal, Tang Mo and Ka Po'Tun. Since it isn't very much known about Akavir, modders are almost free to create their own lore but according to existing lore Tsaesci province has the most information about it and it seems the best place to start.


Tsaesci region I guess is placed in the central part of Akavir (similar to Cyrodiil), specifically central and mid-west part of continent with an access to Padomaic Ocean. To the north there are huge frozen lands of Kamal ("snow demons", barbarians I guess, looking like a daedra-orc crossover) that's something between Skyrim and Atmora. To the south there are lands of Ka Po'Tun (cat people possibly somehow related to Khajiit) - maybe some tropical-swampy location like Elsweyr. To the east and south-east there are Tang Mo (thousand monkey isles). It is said that all the dragons are dead after the war between Tsaesci and Ka Po'Tun but events of Skyrim proved that they could return and earlier Tsaesci have already managed to enslave red dragons.


Since originally there were 5 races - the ones listed above and Akaviri, but it seems Tsaesci race conquered Akaviri lands. It is said they "ate" all Akaviri, but some think by "eating" it was meant assimilating their culture. It is also needless to say that tamrielic lore may not be absolute truth and actual Tsaesci are not that agressive and they even may live along Akaviri in their society (just imagine what would someone think about the whole Tamriel if they only saw Dres region in Morrowind). Tsaesci were dominating Akavir since they "ate" Akaviri, but then Tosh Raka appeared and Ka Po'Tun got their power and together with Tang Mo conquered most of Tsaesci lands. According to Mysterious Akavir Ka Po'Tun want "to kill all the vampire snakes". But again, for tthe matter of gameplay it is reasonable to let them live along.


So, what do we have? A Cyrodiil-type region with snowy mountains and barbarian tribes in the north, central region with lots of ancient Akaviri ruins and south part conquered and ruled by Ka Po'Tun and Tang Mo. To the west there's a Padomaic Ocean and fertile river valleys (Disaster at Ionith) with lots of farms I suppose. Some Akaviri reservations all over the region are acceptable. Speaking of Tsaesci arcitecture, since they are "vampiric" folk it would be appropriate go use dark gothic styling for Tsaesci cities. South folks traiditionally use simplier arcitecture - wooden shacks and shanty towns with rough and simple strongholds.


Everything above are not actual requests but just some of my thoughts on Akavir based on existing lore and personal research in case someone is going to develop it and need some inspiration. Feel free to use or correct :) I'm not a modder myself though I want to start learning Creation Kit in the nearest future.

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If this mod takes off I can do some voice acting. My voice isn't the greatest fit for skyrim but I've got a fairly good microphone and a bit of voice acting experience as well as audio processing experience

Edited by Tehandyman
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