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Another neck seam problem


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Ok. My problem is that all the males in my game have a neck seam. The texture tones aren't mismatched, they're both the same tone, yet there's still a seam. I've looked all over the internet, and there's plenty of fixes for females, but hardly any for males. For male faces, I'm using "Faces - YoungerGeonoxFacesWithoutBeard" from Better Males, and for male bodies I'm using "Sundracon Male Body - NEVERNUDE Version with underwear" from Smooth male body normal map by urshi. So I guess my real question is: Is there some sort of a TexBlend for males? If not, I believe there should be, and if someone made something like that I'd endorse ASAP.


Now, my female follower, Lilium, also has a slight neck seam, but I chalk it up to the fact that I replaced her meshes and textures with CBBE ones, and the torso part of her original outfit is expecting a UNP neck/face texture and mesh hence the seam, so I'm not too worried about this.


If anyone can provide any sort of helpful/relevant information or a solution, I'd definitely appreciate it.

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Well, I'm going to start a new game and see what I get. I really wish there was some sort of program like TexBlend that you could use for males. In fact, why isn't there?

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No one can help me? I find that hard to believe.


Seriously, I'm just asking for a fix for male neck seams. I'm sorry if I seem impatient, but if someone could at least actually truthfully tell me that they're working on it, I'd definitely appreciate it.

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