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Face transfer went horribly wrong


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Well, I saw this character save file and since I like it I tried to transfer the face to one of my chars, and.. yeah, it doesn't work.

Instead, I get this .... creature.


The description says I only need Enhanced Character Edit, Univision Face UNP, the UNP Main Body and UNPB BBP 2.2.x in order to transfer the face, and that are the mods I installed, so.. why won't it work? :c


Load Order

Installed Mods


My installation order:

- UNP Base Main Body

- UNP Blessed Body

- Enhanced Character Edit

- Univision Face

- Apachii Hair

Edited by Lespedeza
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These are just save files and all the mods used when playing the game are not necessarily all that is listed. Reading the comments on the download page shows you are not the only one having this problem.

Yeah, but I can't imagine that he forgot such an important mod, and there are no "omg she looks totally different"-posts in the follower-mod (but there are screens of her that look different), so something seems to be wrong with my mods, but.. what? :c

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Uhm... "Bella's"?

And face texture? Don't you mean mesh? D:



Is it possible that my main game kills the save? It was made in 2012 with an older version. Maybe ECE works different in the new version? It even asks me which version I have when I install it D:

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No Better Females by Bella which is a face mod, has been known to cause problems. If you are using Univision, Evision, or Pretty Face, I recommend uninstalling Better Females. I use none of those mods so, as an experiment, I downloaded the save and started a game. Here is how she looked using my face mods. Quite a difference.

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Well, I have it in my skyrim-folder and I start the game with the skse_loader.exe without getting an error or something, so.. yeah, I think it's installed.


Oh, and... do you get the correct face when you use skse? :O

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