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Summon Dreugh?


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but a dreugh is a daedra. Patron of Ruddy Man, servant of Vivec, blah blah. Thus said, why can't you summon a dreugh as you summon a scamp, daedroth, etc? Personally I think it would only be effective if you could summon whilst being in water. I think it would be quite fun swimming around the ocean with a pet, err.. bound, dreugh watching your back! Just a thought. :whistling:
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Dreugh are not Daedra. Dreugh are sea-residing octopus-like creatures. Ruddy Man is not a servant of Vivec, at all; he is either a Dreugh-King or spirit of some sort that Vivec was inimical towards. Vivec defeafeated him in a battle in or near Koal Cave.


You can no more summon a Dreugh than you can summon a school of Slaughterfish.


EDIT: w00t! 1,200th post! :D

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You can BECOME a slaughterfish with the Scripted Spells mod. Its pretty neat. YOu can be a scrib and all sorts of creatures, however the spells cost A LOT. And you can also turn into mist, and you can make a wall of fire or a line of skelitons. If you attack them, they'll kill you, but they can kill almost anyone else too. And if you stand back and shoot one with a marksman werapon they start attacking eachother =o) Its fun to watch...
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I'm new here so please don't get offinded by me saying stuff like hey the person that.... and other things of that nature. I don't know where to look for the names so I can't call u by them... :( Anyway fotr the person who put the dragons on this page... u said u can turn into other animals? R u playing on the computer or x-box? E-mail me at [email protected] if you would I would be most thankful... :) Of course I will help u too if u r playing on x-box I know alot of advantages!!! ^_^




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