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Myth brainstorm


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Hey everyone,

2 days ago I started planning a mod called "Tales Around Campfire" which is about adding mythological creatures to the game and question them,

basically it mean that there are camps across skyrim with a group of adventurers and their leader tells you about a mythical creature in the hold.


now me and my partner already got about 4-5 myths which are:

- Garmr- The Hell-gate watchdog

- Wendigo- snow monster

- Hafgufa- Giant sea-serpent

- Gullinbursti- mythical boar

- Lindworm- wingless dragon

- Headless horseman- well... a headless horseman


Because Skyrim's native are nord those are the one we got till now (we try to make it as lore friendly as it can be).

now, we need at least 3-4 more so we could has one myth for each hold and we hoped that we will have something about at least 10 myths as a kickoff.



Other than that I'm looking for people who want to help out too, if you want to help message me ;)

hanks a bunch to everyone that will help at any way they can

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I really like this idea hope this can help.


- Jotunn- The Frost Giants

- Fenrir- The Father of the Wolves


Pretty straight forward. I suggest looking up norse mythology and attempt to weave in some Aedra and Daedra stuff; cursed and blessed, people and creatures.

Also, you could consider adding some Khajiit myths as well. Not much is known about Elsweyr, other than it is mostl desert with some jungles, so it's basically free game for lore and there are tons of Khajiit caravaneers around Skyrim.

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Der Ritter: Skeletal monster with multiple arms

Der Grossmann: The Tall Man

Kludde (Kleure): The Black Dog

Gytrash: Spectral, shape shifting animal

Lange wapper: A demon shape shifting trickster

Buckridder (goatrider) : Devilish gang of highwaymen

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Thorolf - a oversized, fat, tall overpowered dragur. Source: thorolf of Eyrbyggja Saga


Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór - four stags


Eikþyrnir - the great stag


Fafnir - shape shifting dwarf that turns into...




Fylgja - supernatural beings seeing one is meant to signal your impending death


Garmr - blood stained watchdog of ragnorak


Gullinbursti - boar with glow in the dark mane created by Odin I think


Hafgufa - legendary sea monster that disguises itself as two small islands


Heiðrún - a goat who's udders produce mead


Jörmungandr - Midgard serpent


Landvættir - a nature spirit, a ghost spriggan matriarch?


Marmennill - mermen


Níðhöggr - land dragon ( next two are connected and should be placed together with the tree)


Ratatoskr - horned squirrel


Veðrfölnir and eagle - not sure how this will tie in, is a hawk that sat between the eyes of a eagle on top of a tree, nidhogg the land dragon sat at the bottom and ratatoskr the squirrel took messages between the two



Sæhrímnir - ghost boar - was killed and eaten by Aesir and einherjar then bought back to life to be eaten again


Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr - two goats that pulled throw chariot - you could attach time to one of the carriages in game


Vörðr - you could do this as a revenant haunting a inn or something

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These are from British mythology


Barghest - a black dog with huge claws and teeth that can go invisible, normally accompanied by sound of rattling chains


Beast of Bodmin - Change its name to match the I game area it's located in. this could be interpreted in game as a ghostly sabre cat, the adventurers at the campfire lead you to a farm where all the livestock have been slaughtered, the farm owner explains - at night the creature appears.


Black Annis - a blue faced witch with iron claws that lives in a cave - just build a small cave and retex a hagraven


Black shuck - a black demonic dog that wanders the coastline


Bluecap - blue faiths in the form of small blue balls of flames - they used to lead miners to massive deposits of minerals. This could be done different to the kill quests, you get told of these bluecaps and you find one in a mine and it moves through the mine like the clairvoyance spell and leads you to a mass deposit.


Boggart - a small reikling like creature that inhabits marsh land and kidnaps children


Eachy - a slimy muddy humanoid lake monster


Gog and magog - earth giants


Grindylow - a long armed creature that dragged children into bog and marshes and drowned them


Jack o' Kent - a cleric or wizard that regularly beats the devil in bets and games by outsmarting him


Knucker - water dragon


Redcap - he inhabit fortresses and They are depicted as sturdy old men with red eyes, taloned hands and large teeth, wearing a red cap and bearing a pikestaff in the left hand.


These are from Germanic mythology


Askafroa - wife of the ash tree - could easily be some kind of boss level spriggan


Finfolk - In Orkney folklore, Finfolk (sometimes Finnfolk) are sorcerous shapeshifters of the sea, the dark mysterious race from Finfolkaheem who regularly make an amphibious journey from the depths of the Finfolk ocean home to the Orkney Islands. They wade, swim or sometimes row upon the Orkney shores in the spring and summer months, searching for human captives. The Finfolk ( both Finman and Finwife ) kidnap unsuspecting fishermen, or frolicking youth, near the shore and force them into lifelong servitude as a spouse. the Finman is described as being tall, dark and thin with a stern, gloomy face. He is said to have many magical powers, such as rowing between Norway and Orkney in seven oar-strokes, making his ship invisible and creating fleets of phantom boats. He avoids human contact, but is extremely territorial and will wreak havoc on the boats of any fishermen trespassing in 'his' waters, though he may sometimes be deterred by drawing a cross on the bottom of a craft with chalk or tar, for Finfolk abhor the sign of the Christian cross above any other device. The Finman was said to be very crafty and ever prepared to cheat men out of their silver or wives.


Gulon - The Gulon is a Scandinavian legend, also known as a "Jerff" in Northern Sweden and "Vielfraß" in Germany. It is a hodgepodge of various creatures, usually described as being the size and shape of a dog, with some cat like features such as the head, ears, and claws. It also supposedly has a thick coat of shaggy brown fur and a tail resembling that of a fox.


The Gulon is notorious as a symbol of gluttony because of the strange eating habits it is supposed to have. It will make a kill and then gorge itself until it is swollen and unable to eat more, at which point it will find two trees and squeeze itself in between them, pushing the meat through its own body before returning to the kill and repeating the process.


The Nuckelavee (or Nuckalavee) is a creature from Orcadian folklore.


The name is a corruption of the Orcadian name "knoggelvi", which in turn seems to be a variant of the "Nokk" or kelpie, and is thus related to the Icelandic Nykur. [1]


Nuckelavee - a creature from Northern folklore, the Nuckelavee is the most horrible of all the Scottish elves. He lives mainly in the sea, but was also held responsible for ruined crops, epidemics, and drought. His breath could wilt the crops and sicken the livestock. So ingame poison breath or something?

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  On 5/26/2013 at 12:23 PM, JimReaper said:

Thorolf - a oversized, fat, tall overpowered dragur. Source: thorolf of Eyrbyggja Saga


Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór - four stags


Eikþyrnir - the great stag


Fafnir - shape shifting dwarf that turns into...




Fylgja - supernatural beings seeing one is meant to signal your impending death


Garmr - blood stained watchdog of ragnorak


Gullinbursti - boar with glow in the dark mane created by Odin I think


Hafgufa - legendary sea monster that disguises itself as two small islands


Heiðrún - a goat who's udders produce mead


Jörmungandr - Midgard serpent


Landvættir - a nature spirit, a ghost spriggan matriarch?


Marmennill - mermen


Níðhöggr - land dragon ( next two are connected and should be placed together with the tree)


Ratatoskr - horned squirrel


Veðrfölnir and eagle - not sure how this will tie in, is a hawk that sat between the eyes of a eagle on top of a tree, nidhogg the land dragon sat at the bottom and ratatoskr the squirrel took messages between the two



Sæhrímnir - ghost boar - was killed and eaten by Aesir and einherjar then bought back to life to be eaten again


Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr - two goats that pulled throw chariot - you could attach time to one of the carriages in game


Vörðr - you could do this as a revenant haunting a inn or something

Askafroa is already in the game

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