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[MOD REQUEST] Trible Bronze Revival


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Bronze is harder than other resources to get, copper has an awful drop rate and to craft bronze it requires a lot of materials; can anyone make a Triple bronze replacement that will work with mods like Terraheim and Epic Loot or any other mod that adds recipes to the game?


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  • 4 months later...

I know this is a bit late for a reply .. but revival has happened .. https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1499?tab=description .. It does not have the extra features of triple bronze (creating other metals in the forge) but it works to create bronze and it does not have the old issue of multiplying the multiplier every login.


Edit: And it should be compatible with other recipe adding mods as it only modifies the existing bronze recipe .. if another mod modifies the bronze recipe, there there will likely be a conflict.

Edited by DaedusWolfe
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