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Circumventing the +-64 cell size limit for worldspaces

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Good evening everybody!


So, as you all may know the size limit of custom worldspaces is +-64 cells (on the X axis), including the 0 cell.


Is there any way to circumvent this limit and create huge worldspaces?

Maybe some engine-level stuff could be done with a F4SE plugin (because F4SE plugins are like magic and can do seemingly impossible stuff)?


I myself lack the knowledge to work on this, otherwise I would have done something myself.


But I have an idea of what the "root cause" of the size limit might be:

The "engine" is pretty old, so in its core it is probably still 32 bit.

So most "data structures" will also be 32 bit.

If all (relevant) data structures would be "updated" to use 64 bits, then the worldspace size limitation would most likely also be much much bigger.


Could a F4SE plugin do something like that?


Or maybe some other method, I am not familliar with all of this "low level" modding stuff ...



Any info on what exactly actually causes this limitation and how to "work around it", please let me know here!

I would love to have a discussion about what could be done about this here.


Because I love working in the CK and it just makes me sad that we are limited to making such small worldspaces ...

And I hate pointless limitations like this that impact me but that I can do nothing about :sad:

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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  On 7/23/2021 at 3:02 AM, YouDoNotKnowMyName said:

So, nobody has any input on this?

I wish I knew, or was able to change/write the code to make it happen.


I did however read that the 64 cells limit goes in both + and - direction, so you would have 128 cells at your disposal, not just 64. (But I can't speak out of experience)



Judging by the +- in the title, I'm not telling anything new there.


I did find some more info on the limit, which seems linked to the limits of the 32bits Havok physics engine used with the creation engine / fo4. There's not much that can be done about that, if that's the case.

Edited by RoNin1971
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Well if it is "32 bit" it could be changed to use 64 bit data structures instead ...

I mean it would just be changing the "types" of all the variables and things lke that.


That would just be like saying "this box can have X things in it" and then changing it to "this box can have Y number of things in it".

Oversimplified of course ...


So just go though the source code and replace all "uint32" (unsigned integer, 32 bit) with "uint64" (unsigned integer, 64 bit) and so on ...

(If the source code could be obtained by some magical way)



But I guess the hard part would be to identify everything that would have to be changed ...

And then getting it to compile again ...



But maybe something like a F4SE plugin could do something like this.

Because F4SE plugins basically allow for arbitrary (C++) code execution in FO4. ...

But like I said, I don't know much about these abstract software things ...

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32bit Havok is my take as well. Since the problem appears to be that, while you can make larger worlds, Havok stops working outside the mentioned boundaries.


I've mentioned it to FudgyDuff, perhaps they will attack the problem with Buffout 4, some day.

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  On 7/24/2021 at 10:38 AM, niston said:

32bit Havok is my take as well. Since the problem appears to be that, while you can make larger worlds, Havok stops working outside the mentioned boundaries.

Well the same thing applies, right?

Somebody would just have to change all the 32 bit data types to 64 bit ...

I don't see why that would be any different ...


  On 7/24/2021 at 10:38 AM, niston said:


I've mentioned it to FudgyDuff, perhaps they will attack the problem with Buffout 4, some day.


So there is actually somebody working on "fixing" this?

That is awsome!

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  On 7/24/2021 at 10:00 PM, MesaSolar said:

Not the answer you're looking for, but you could always link multiple worldspaces together. That's what I did for my mod.

That won't really work for large open landscapes.


If you have "confined" landscapes (like "unclimbable mounts around each worldspace") with only a few locations where the player can go to the next worldspace, then this would work great.


But not for a relativly flat and open landscape (forests, swamps, a few towns, ...).

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  On 7/25/2021 at 12:53 AM, niston said:

Yeah, it's a shame isn't it.

You said that "FudgyDuff" might be working on "fixing" this ...

I tried to contact him by PM but that didn't work (it said "this user can't use the message system").

Do you know if he is actually currently working of this and if so when the "fix" will be released (months, years, decades)?


Like, is it worth for me to "have hope" about there beeing a fix for this some time?

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