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SkyREDONE and immersive weapons, only shortbows can be found


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Hi all, i am going mad with this.


I have only perks in longbows, that i love to use, but the only bows i find (shops and drops) are shortbows...


I have 50 hours of gameplay and i am level 30, so far i only found a basic ancient nord longbow from a draug drop.


In the Sky Redone list of included mods there is also "recurve longbows" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29950//? ) , but i guess something is wrong with the definition of class type of bows, smth is assigning them all to 'shortbow' category. In the "stats.xml" file, there are entries about longbows, and if i type in the console " help "stormcloack longbow", i get the codes for them, but i don't want to cheat to have them, want to find them as loot or in shops...


They should start appearing at level 10, according to recurve longbows mod description.


I also put ímmersive weapons', before SkyRE in the load order.


Can anyone help?


I was thinking of installing 'recurve longbows' anyway, on top of Sky RE, but is it advisable?


Or maybe install 'better bows' ? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13317/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D13317%26preview%3D&pUp=1 but i am afraid they will appear as shortbows as well.


please help, any advice welcome

Edited by savior99
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i have used it man, as described the skyrim redone instructions...and i run it everytime i add or remove a mod...


any other clue?


maybe i will have to edit the stas.xml file, but i don't know how.


I can post it here maybe if someone who understands it better than me can find the problem.


Strange thing is that there are some entries for longbows, but none for example for "stormcloak longbow" (which the owner of the recurved longbows mod told me to check to verify if mod was installed).


I can also get that bow using player.additem in console command, but why ALL the bows that appear in shops or as loot are shortbows? how to fix that?

Edited by savior99
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ok prod, useful as always ;)


installed recurve longbows, now i can find them at the stormcloak camps blacksmiths. Do you load them before or after skyRE ?


The patch u mention, i had already installed it with Sky Redone, but this seems like a new version. should i install it and overwrite?


And there are so many options, am not sure which one to tick.


Ancient nord longbow does 72 damage now, stormcloak longbow does 70...does this seem fine?

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ok prod, useful as always :wink:


installed recurve longbows, now i can find them at the stormcloak camps blacksmiths. Do you load them before or after skyRE ?


The patch u mention, i had already installed it with Sky Redone, but this seems like a new version. should i install it and overwrite?


And there are so many options, am not sure which one to tick.


Ancient nord longbow does 72 damage now, stormcloak longbow does 70...does this seem fine?

Don't guess at your load order. Get BOSS and use it. Consistent load order is imperative when you are using custom patches like merge, bashed, or skyproc. These all need to be corrected every time load order changes.


qotsafan definitely adds more options as he does a lot of patches on his own. You might find Balbor and Steelsouls easier to start with if you aren't running a lot of the mods qotsafan patches for. There is a lot of sharing between them and qotsafan builds off their stats.xml though then his changes tend to migrate upstream into their version oft times. Balbor and Steelsouls started out as a patch for hothtrroper44's Immersive Armors and Weapons.


The ReProccer comes with its own stats.xml too so these others are options, but they add a lot of other mods (which for some reason mod makers often don't use vanilla materials and create their own materials which must then be mapped into the stats.xml) It is really cool these guys all took that on as T3nd0 can keep on with SkyRe leaving incorporating mod compatibility to these others. They update stats.xml often where the one with the ReProccer usually only changes with a new version of that mod.

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