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Frame skips then CTD


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I can barely get 5 minutes of game time in before the game freezes for seconds at a time and then crashes to desktop. This problem started as a few, infrequent frame-skips when I was doing the Lost Legacy quest in the Dragonborn DLC. Some gates were not opening and some quest objectives were not updating. I managed to fix this and continue further into Vahlok's tomb with the magic rune bridges but the skips got worse and I eventually crashed. Now, where ever I go I get frame skips and a crash to desktop.


I have made sure to uninstall all the mods downloaded close to that first occurrence and even uninstalled my whole collection of mods but I still get the problem. Loading an earlier save doesn't help either, even my very first save crashes. Any help would be appreciated.

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Well, the original problem may or may not have been mod related. Uninstalling all of your mods may have caused more problems, though.

Continuing to play through with major issues may also have contributed to the problem.


To rule out savegame corruption, please start a new game (your do not need to uninstall/reinstall, yet). Do not make changes to anything else.

Does the problem persist? If not, then you probably have savegame corruption, and will need to start a new game.


If it does, please submit the following

Computer specs--(Processor, CPU RAM, VRAM, GPU and driver version. Also how do you disable background processess/services?

Game specs-- Game version, Game settings. How do you launch the game? (NMM, skse, Steam launcher)

Mod info--BOSS log (copy /paste text file, enclose in spoilers, note any mods recently removed or updated, also if you use NMM, workshop or both for mods)


Alternately, you could just start a new game on a complete clean uninstall/reinstall. Might be faster for you.

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