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Glowing Eyes and Soulstealing Weapons


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For those of you who at one point played Warcraft III or WoW, you might have seen the Lich King model. (If not, you can google it for refference)

He had two things I think would work really well in Skyrim for very powerful dragonborn characters. It's cosmetics mostly, but when you get to those higher level ranges, it's nice to have a character that actually looks and feels like it's the most powerful dragonborn that ever lived.


Glowing eyes: More than just glowing eyes like a mod we already have, but also giving off energy themselves in the form of a coloured smoke coming from his eyes; a spell to add a glowing smoke to eyes would maybe be a good idea.

There's already a mod on the Nexus called Glowtastic which allows you to envelop your character in a particular type of energy or glow effect. If a type of glow effect could be localized to the eyes tthen we could get more than just glowing eyes, we'd see that power actually radiating from them. Particularly the purple, red and green smoke effects would work really well, fire and storm, less so due to it being odd that fire or lightning would come out of your eyes without damaging them.


Soulstealing Weapons: Not sure why this isn't a thing already, a weapon that when it kills an enemy, steals their soul to either replenish its own enchantement or make the weapon base damage higher per X souls. I'm a huge fan of the soul trap effect that shows a soul leaving the body and trying to leave but then instead is drawn at your character and trapped. It's evil, sure, but bloody awesome.

I think I saw an echantment once that counted the number of undead slain by the weapon and increased the weapons enchantment damage per undead slain. So this idea is not entirely impossible.


Personally, I have no modding skills but I do love mods and I love the people who make the mods. I kept looking out for mods like the above but haven't found any so far that do just that, so I thought I'd gamble and just trow it here incase somebody fancies the ideas.


Thanks for all the great mods, you modders out there! I love you!


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