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Running often increase stamina mod [small enough right?]


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Obviously in small increments, like 0.01 per second or something

I'm guessing something like this which doesnt involve any animations or designing can be done in like a few minutes right? So pleaseee could someone do this?

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Check this one i'm using:




it's not exactly what you are asking for, but you could appreciate it.


I second this mod. I use it, and am really fond of it; the MCM parameters make it very customizable.


As far as I can tell, it doesn't actually increase your stamina, but it does increase your run speed over time so that you gradually run faster anyways.


Either way, if any modder was looking at just doing stamina increase, it would probably follow the same formula. The Athletics training mod does count your total running time, but uses it in other bonuses instead. Having stamina increase in conjunction with the other traits in this mod could be a nice touch.

Edited by cronosnake
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