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Deadly Mutilation Malfunction


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Long story short, for some reason, when Deadly Mutilation uses one of its nice little brutal kills, a whole potluck of things happen at once.


For example, I was wandering up to Bleak Falls Barrow for the umpteenth time yesterday, and bumped into those bandits at the little tower ruin. I slapped one over the head with my greatsword, and instead of JUST being cut in half...he caught fire AND got sliced in two. The sword is just a regular ol' steel greatsword, no fire enchantment.


Later on, when I cut Arvel down from the spider webs, the killing blow after he turned on me caused him to burst into flames and become a charred corpse. Again, unenchanted weapon.


The only other combat mods I use are Take Cover - Uniform Arrow Damage, and the Shout Leveling mod (if that actually even counts as a combat mod).


Any idea what's going on here? It's not really gamebreaking, but it's immersion-breaking, as an unenchanted sword certainly isn't going to be burning anyone alive.

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