BeastlyBeast Posted May 27, 2013 Share Posted May 27, 2013 Hey, guys. I want to try my hand at making a nice big mod. One that would add new characters and story and such, but without drifting away from the ES lore. So, what do you think is bland in Skyrim? What average parts of Skyrim do you think could have the potential to be fantastic? There are only a few things I could think of: Khajit Caravan StorySnow Elves/Falmer That's really all I could think of off the top of my head. So let me know your thoughts! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnkhAscendant Posted May 27, 2013 Share Posted May 27, 2013 Forsworn/Reachmen fo' sho'. They're an oppressed ethnic and religious minority that I wish I could play as :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voodo1314 Posted May 28, 2013 Share Posted May 28, 2013 I agree the Forsworn could do with some expansion. I would personally like to see more Dunmer with personal stories; the Grey Quarter of Windhelm was a bit of a let down. Maybe the same for the Argonians in Riften. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedDaemonFox Posted May 28, 2013 Share Posted May 28, 2013 I would say that we need a third Civil War faction, probably middle of the road, which can replace the bad default jarls in Morthal, the Pale, Winterhold, Falkreath and the Reach, while keeping Whiterun, The Rift, and maybe Solitude and Windhelm. A compromise like Season Unending, but permanent. Maybe allow for a choice between Elsif and Ulfric as High King. Basically, this third faction comes up with a treaty to exempt Skyrim from the Gold Concordat, keeps it as part of the empire (More autonomous if Ulfric is king, less if Elsif is queen). I have no idea for the actual factions but I think the only reason I like the Stormcloaks is their Jarls are better overall to their people,Igrod, Maven and Siddgeir all are corrupt/incompetent and the Jarl of Markarth murdered the Forsworn innocents, one of my few blows against Ulfric, although the Forsworn are freaks for worshipping Hagravens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimReaper Posted May 28, 2013 Share Posted May 28, 2013 ForswornMages questlineend of the civil war/high king I also think there is room for a new faction based around some kinda underground skooma/black market/smuggling mafia type group. They could tie in with thieves guild quests they could tie in with dark brotherhood, maybe hiring the brotherhood when they take out hits on people. They could either be friends of the thieves guild or a new rival faction. They could also influence the civil war by striking trade deals with the stormcloaks, the stormcloaks are seen as rebels so they might seek aid from this new group where as the empire would be all about destroying it. They could deal in rare weapons, rare spells and Potions, skooma and even people depending on what route the player takes them. Befriending or destroying the thieves gud would be player choice as would utilising or destroying he brotherhood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnkhAscendant Posted May 28, 2013 Share Posted May 28, 2013 Mages questlineCivil war compromiseand skooma ring faction All have thumbs up from me as well ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oracleofmoons Posted May 28, 2013 Share Posted May 28, 2013 One thing pops right to mind for me. The main quest line, right about when you complete "bleak falls barrow" before the "go kill the dragon" quest. One, two, or if you got crazy, ten or twenty new quests, in between. lol As far as I'm concerned the main story is too fast, as far as delving into dragon killing. Assuming you don't side quest, you basically are fighting a dragon at level three, or four. If you where to do this, I think the more the better. As far s what the quests would be? You be the judge. You seem creative. :) Good luck, and Peace! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frakle Posted May 29, 2013 Share Posted May 29, 2013 The College of Winterhold was reaaaaally lacking I beat it in around 3 hours An ENTIRE, FACTION BASED QUESTLINE. THREEHOURS It's ridiculously short for no apparent reason, with a lot of loose ends story wise (and the story sucked to begin with) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimReaper Posted May 29, 2013 Share Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) If you decide to take on the mages quest line please consider jumping in a the point in which the psijic order is introduced and base your changes around delving deeper into that. You could even consider a rebuild winterhold type thing in which the mages have to rebuild their relationship with the world outside of the college and help to rebuild winterhold. Edited May 29, 2013 by JimReaper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
niceguy Posted May 30, 2013 Share Posted May 30, 2013 There are some aborted events in the game and it would be interesting to have something of that reinstated. An example I am unable to join the Stormcloaks without betraying Jarl Balgruuf, this annoys me to no end and IF events had gone as originally planned this would not be an issue. Apparently the "Wispering door" quest where to supposed to be way greater and Mephala, would lure Balgruufs children into murdering their father. According to "Hrongar was set to replace Balgruuf when the latter is killed by his children during "the whispering door" However, this part of the quest was not implemented in the final game, so it never happens." Well it would be nice if it DID happen, that would give us a jarl with STRONG Imperial ties and one we do not have any loyalty bonds to. It would also free up Irileth to become a possible follower. Actually I sort of suspect that Jenassa may have been created as a replacement for a non recruitable Irileth. Another possibility would be to let jarl Balgruuf form a third faction in the civil war and becoming High King himself. Top it of with him marrying Elisif and Ulfric, having secured an Independent Skyrim return to High Rothgar to become a Greybeard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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