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How can you guys have so many graphics mods installed without crashing


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I'm at a loss here. I have 8 gigs of DDR3 ram and 4 gigs of DDR5 VRAM on my GPU (recently upgraded to an OC'd GTX 680).

I thought "Hey, with all that new horse power, why not use some better textures and some form of ENB with skyrim, I've seen screenshots and the game can look effing brilliant with it"


Well, after a few minutes of playing with Serious HD Retuxture and some ENB specifically made for Climates of Tamriel, the game CTDs without any error messages. Looking at my task manager, it seems like skyrim always crashes when it reaches or gets close to the 4GB mark, But I still have plenty of system ressources free.


Essentiall, you do you run skyrim with extensive graphic mods without is using more than 4 gigs of ram?

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They don't...


32 bit programs can't use more than 4 GB of RAM... theoretically. The practical limit is actually more like 3.1 GB before things start to go wonky.

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You also don't have to use 2K mods most have a 1K version and you have to have very good eyesight and be looking to find any difference. Optimizing your textures is also very helpful. My testing desktop has a AMD 7870 2gig graphic card and can run everything fine. I just don't use the highest quality textures and can't personally tell the difference.


On my other computer I have a GTX 680 and still won't use but a few 2K rock textures and W.A.T.E.R. because I use it for general play and screenshots.

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