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Including content from multiple DLC in one mod?


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CrunchyWithKetchup - Hello!


EDIT, Sorry I seem to have answered a Skyrim question by mistake, not sure how that happened. :)


"I'm looking to find the specifics for creating a mod that draws on content from all the dlc, plus the main game."


That wouldn't be a problem, many mods use multiple DLC's content.


You would have to specify that the DLC's are required for your mod on release.


First you will need to make the GECK accept multiple masters, by default it only accepts one.

It's a simple fix, you need to change a setting in the GECK's .ini in order to load multiple masters.

GECK's .ini should be in the same place as your Fallout 3.ini.

Go to your:

Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Open this up in notepad:


& change this line:


To this:



Save & close.

Don't do it while GECK is running though or it will change the setting back when you close GECK.


With those changes made, load up GECK & tick Fallout & the DLC's so that you haveall their content available to use.


Mod as normal from there on in. :smile:


"I'm new to modding, but, I feel I know the bare basics well enough to try my hand at making a mod."


Using the GECK is surprisingly easy & the more you use it the more interesting things you can make it do.


I don't know how much you know but the official GECK guide is really good & covers everything you need to know to get started:




Good luck with your modding!


Edited by prensa
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Unfortunately, the CK seems to no longer allow multiple master loads...I get this message when I load Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, HearthFires.esm and Dragonborn.esm with the mod I want to edit set as the active file: "Multiple master files selected for load. Load operation aborted." Or do I have to be the author of a mod to do that?


EDIT: It won't even let me load multiple masters for the creation of a new mod...I even added the bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 in the skyrimeditor.ini. Or is it the editorprefs.ini that I need to add that to?

Edited by CrunchyWithKetchup
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