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Making NPC stay in ragdoll mode


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I'm trying to have a scene where one of the actors - the player - goes unconscious for a while (about 10 seconds), but so far my results have not been good.

I managed to make them go ragdoll with PushActorAway() but as soon as their body comes to a stop, they get up right away, which is not what I want here.


Do you have any suggestions on how to make this happen? I don't want any visible effects from magic either....


I tried SetUnconscious() but the actor still got up... (Testing it on an npc atm)


Any ideas?

Edited by bleakraven
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Simply use .SetAV("Paralysis", 1) after using PushActorAway(), this will cause the actor to stay Ragdolled until you reset it back to 0, I would consider it the easiest way. (Although NPCs can cure paralysis unless you setunconscious as well) Edited by BotOwned
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