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Creation Kit CTD"s


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ok so i'm trying to make a simple follower using a custom race mod that requires dawnguard

and for some damn reason EVERY TIME it tries to load Update.esm with Dawnguard.esm the damn thing gives me some stupid error message

error message SS's are below





(the blacked out part in the last photo is nothing. i was skyping at the time and didn't feel like reediting the pic to get rid of my buddies name)

not sure what to make of this error... Update.esm loads fine when dawnguard isn't loaded too, btu when i try to load it with it... well you get the picture

some help would be greatly appreciated


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oh and i tried a vanilla race and it doesn't reg as a follower -_-

and that's without DG. not sure what i'm doing wrong

followed the tutorial on Youtube step for step and it doesn't work T_T

the one i used is

so again help is greatlly appreciated

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I can't help with creating a follower, but the CK crashes because you need to unpack some language files from the Dawnguard.bsa file.


Here is the BSA unpacker: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4804/?


Extract the three files from the Strings directory that have "strings" and "english" in the names, and put them into the same directory in your Skyrim folder. There should already be some strings files in there from Skyrim.

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