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Searchers/Detectives Wanted!


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So, basically, I have a few mod ideas that I'm curious about, and before requesting them somewhere, I'd like to see if they exist first.


1.) I'd like to be able to see my character's hair coming out of her helmet. I'm fairly certain mods like this exist, but I don't know how to go about looking for this. Right now, I'm sacrificing Armour Rating and perk bonuses for aesthetic purposes.


2.) Anyone remember "Stackable Oblivion"? The mod that allowed you to compound multiple pieces of identical armours into one well-buffed piece? Is there anything like this for Skyrim? Maybe one for weapons?


- A note on this one: I know that using the Workbench/Grindstone do basically this, but I have one character who, by her backstory, has absolutely no idea what she'd even begin to do at a forge. Sure, there's a side quest for this ("Need any help around the forge?"), but again, she'd have no business doing that.


3.) Finally, I'm quite curious as to just how many anime & video game-based and -inspired mods are out there. If someone could compound a list for me, I could see which of the ones I'd like to see already exist.


So yeah, if someone could get back with me on these items, it'd be really appreciated. Thanks!

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