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Playing Skyrim for any length of time causes specific letters on my ke


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It's a problem I first noticed about a month and a half ago, and I find it really strange. I'm running the steam version of skyrim with mods and if I play it for more than about 4 minutes, certain keys stop working. Specifically z,v,b,',right arrow, down arrow and space bar, that I know of. I can go on youtube or reddit for hours with no trouble, but if skyrim's running, I can count on this problem to appear. What's especially concerning is that it persists even after closing skyrim and will continue to do so for 5-20 minutes.

My first assumption was that one of the mods was causing the problem, so I disabled them all and loaded up a save and the keys stopped working. I started a new game with no mods and the keys stopped working before I got to character creation. It's not game breaking since I can re-map the keys, but losing use of the space bar for any length of time is a major annoyance.

Has anyone encountered this before, and does anyone know what's causing it?

Edited by ShotgunRaptor
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Are you playing on a laptop or a desktop? If it is a laptop, you probably have a heat problem along the bottom. If a desktop, try a different keyboard first, if you still have the same problem, check your fans and dust buildup inside the computer. Of course, surfing the web won't cause the heat problems a graphics intensive game like Skyrim.


All that said, this might be the first sign of a major problem. Be sure to watch for it happening in other situations.

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I am indeed on a laptop, an Acer aspire that can get surprisingly hot. I've emailed Acer support and they've said all they can suggest is me sending them my laptop for repairs, but I'm reluctant to do that as it's led to me losing all of my files in the past.

I'll try to keep the fans clear, thanks. Is there anything else you can suggest?

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Yup - count me in as well! I thought I just had the one key playing up, which was F5 (quick save) all the others are ok

so I remapped it to L - and change maps using the mouse on the on screen buttons. But I have just realised that I cannot block or dual wield either

I went to the options/controls to see if it was ok and I have no left hand options : O


In short - is there a way to default control settings?


The game is completely unmodded at the moment as I have had problems when installing them before


The other thing I have just noticed is that my saves start at 297 instead of oo1 !!!!


Beats me.... any help would be much appreciated, I have a feeling I am going to have to delete my saves though.


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