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Better Melee Fighter: a weapon idea for mod


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Goal: Make a better weapon for melee fighter so they keep using it to the exclusion of other types like guns or energy.


Object: Katana (GRA)


Idea: Make it so melee user can use all the special weapon attacks of melee weapon class. most notable is weapon of the blunt:

- upper cut swing (example: Fore!). Change the name of technique, perhaps: Swallow Cut?

- head smashing (identical to the one used by super mutants with the attacker raising onehand blunt weapon high above their head before swinging it down sharply onto the target.) SMASHHHHH!

- mauler, spinning side swing. Tornado swing?

- Long cut, same animation as Ripper. Power Check? I dont know.



As you can see the idea is to make melee user keep using melee by allow them to use ALL animation for one weapon. Katana make for good aesthetic sense, but if it can be done, other weapons is applicable too.


So. Can couriers use every techniques with one weapon?


EDIT: Also, if there's a way to shortkey poisons, so that with one button we can activate it for other target, that will make melee more powerful and useful.

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