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About laclongquan

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  1. Yeah, sometimes saves got messed up that way, despite everything in mods should work okay, and test with fresh characters (not char that not to that area) working fine. No fix in that case~ I abandoned two or three saves because of exactly that kind of affecting
  2. I mean higher priority as in bigger priority as in lowest in the load order. That way it would overwrite everything else, specifically Mojave NPC.
  3. Why not put Legion Arena mod at highest priority? And on another note: Your profile appear to be configured wrongly for a FNV profile. A correct profile shouldnt show the DLCs as non-MO on the left panel. I was, once, playing a profile with such things, and needless to say that damn session is full of minor and irritating bugs. I would suggest you to remake your MO profile so it configure properly before you even attemp fixing bugs.
  4. Same thought process as TTW modder group. They force people to endure the unconverted f3 mod message. And players will NEED to meddle with FNVedit to find which mod cause problem and deal with it, which is a damn high huddle for certain players. I know the old self of mine wouldnt like that sheesh not one f*#@ing bit. Current me understand the frustration drove to the procedure, but damn if they havent made players pay for that (and still dont like, either. We have more than enough unintentional bugs without having to deal with intentional bugs coming from modders) "If you keep complaining about problems to us, we will be YOUR problem."
  5. First, what's your load order. It's likely one of the mod changed those weapons from vanilla setting and cause such thing. So your load order or we can only guess. WAG at that. Second. Your Guns skill and your Strength. if they are too low compare to gun requirement it can lead to such situation like that Third, Ranger Sequoia and Hunting Revolver has some problem with their aiming spot/data during execution of VATS, IIRC. That was vanilla bug and I dont know if nvse or other mod fix that yet. Maybe done, as I dont encounter things like that with 2 of these weapons, but with poster i dont know. --- Solution: try using magazineNVguns to increase your Guns skill, buffout to raise your strength, mentats to raise perception, STEADY drug to maximized your spread. And try those guns again.
  6. It is too niche interest, with small audience The Muscle Girl project is what it is. But about 1000 download say it all about how many like it.
  7. It's a thread about Skyrim engine/mods, man~ It's a different game engine altogether. I know there's a lot of similiarities between Skyrim and Fallout engine But it's the little details that will kill your game with barely a blink. It might be a clear problems with those experienced modders, but for noobs like us, they will create more troubles for us than helps. What I have understanded throughout my recent working with esm is that there's a lot of unsaid things about esm-esp that those modders simply didnt THINK that's necessary to mention~ I can tell you straight out there's a lot of good points in keeping esp, and not esm-sified it. We only should do an esm if we do new cells and can create new navmesh for them. That's it. Otherwise esp is king.
  8. It's the whole point of Profiles in MO2~
  9. Then it might be that the textures be affected by daylight. I currently got an issue similar to that, which is from a clothes nif made by others. It is the nif itself that has problem... which no fix other than open program and change the nif and or the dds. And exactly that nif has problem. Other clothes nifs in other mods present no trouble in simiar situation/location.
  10. You need to post your load order, and or your MO2 left panel list of mods. Otherwise we cant tell you sheesh~
  11. This PrereleaseRestored.esp I think it's from a mod that restore some building in the Strip to demo state. THAT might be the cause of those floating things. try disabling it and see?
  12. Your load order is mis-arranged. note that there's several other esm between FNV esms. FalloutNV.esm Walking_Inertia.esm <==== Night Sky Tweaks.esm<==== DeadMoney.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm HonestHearts.esm LonesomeRoad.esm OldWorldBlues.esm Ragdolls.esm<======== CaravanPack.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm See which is troublesome mods? And THAT is at first glance. At 2nd glance FalloutNV_lang.esp This sucker should stand at lowest priority number of its group (esp), aka right below the highest priority ESM. Currently it stand at high prior, which can cause certain bugs.
  13. About the only recommendation i have left is to ask the modders of jip or nvse about it. The comments thread is one, or asking in their discord channel is another. Discord is probabbly faster,
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